Chapter 5

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I woke up to my phone ringing, I didn't look at it and answered it.

?: Riley

Daniel's voice cracked, has he been crying?

D: I am so sorry.

R: You didn't do anything, I swear.

D: Are you okay?

R: I am fine

I said as my voice cracked and my lips trembled.

R: I have to go.

I hung up the phone and broke down into tears. There was a knock on my door. "Go away," I heard footsteps leave but come back after a few minutes. "I said go away," I screamed as my door opened, I got up and shut the door not looking up.

"Riley," Daniel's voice said making me slam the door harder.

"Give her some time," I heard Dad's voice say from outside my door. I heard both of them leave and I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up two to bad dreams last night and after the second one just scrolled through my phone until the sun peaked in my curtains. I got out of bed and got ready for the day but left my glasses on. I left my room and Daniel was sleeping on the couch. "He wouldn't leave, he was up half of the night," Mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

"He is so annoying, but that is so sweet,"

"I am annoying," I hear from behind me.

"Sure are," I said as I turned around and fuck I was met with a bedhead Daniel. I wanted to so badly run my fingers through it.



"You said fuck,"

"Oh, inside thought," I got a confused look from Daniel but he didn't ask. I went over to the fridge and got a Mountain Dew not liking coffee. Daniel followed me and grabbed an apple juice. "You are such a child,"

"Am I a cute one?"

"Nope," I said popping the p. I sat at the table as my mom put French Toast on the table. Daniel sat next to me and fixed his hair. Jack and my sisters came out and we all ate. Sydie and Isla went to school and mom to work.

"I am going to go finish my song, if you need me call me," Jack said as he stood up from the table.

"Do you have to?" I said looking at Daniel trying to tell him I don't want to be alone with him.

"I can stay if you need me,"

"Stay please,"

"Fine, let me call the studio," Jack went into his room, leaving Daniel and me alone.

"Are you okay?"

"I am fine, it happens a lot,"

"That's not good,"

"Gotten used to having them,"

"Jo has them too, Jack used to."

"I know," I said as I pulled out my phone not wanting to talk about it.

"If you don't want to talk about it we don't have to,"

"Thank you," I said and began to reread the book that I typed last night.

"Did you write more?"

"Yes, I didn't sleep last night, kept having nightmares,"

"Can I ask about what?"

"Yes, but I won't tell you,"

"That is okay," Daniel said as he got up and grabbed another apple juice.

"Will you read this? I need an honest option," I handed Daniel my phone went he sat back down and he read the book.

"A lot of typos but great for content."

"I will have the editor go over it and will have it posted. Thank you."

"Yep, do you want to go watch the new Spiderman movie?"



"I have to work until 630, you can pick me up after or we can see it now,"

"They aren't open until 430. I will pick you up, we can eat dinner and go watch the new Spiderman."

"Cool," I said still scrolling in my phone. Daniel took my phone from me, as Jack came out of his room.

"What are we doing?" Jack asked as I jumped out of my seat, and takcled Daniel out of his chair.

"Phone now," I growled at Daniel, he moved my phone as I tried to get it. "You fucker,"

"Hey, mean," Daniel said laughing.

"You are such a child," I said as I grabbed my phone from him and he bucked me. I fell my hands falling on either side of his head. We both just stared at each other, oh how beautiful his eyes were. Jack cleared his throat and I jumped off of Daniel. "Sorry," Daniel stood up and fixed himself, he had a hard-on not being hidden in his grey joggers. I licked my lips and looked at Jack.

"You guys would have done it in the living room."

"No, never,"

"Daniel says differently,"

"Shut up," Daniel said as he covered his hardon with his hands. I burst into laughter at him.

"I will leave you guys alone," Jack said as he put on his shoes and grabbed his keys. He left me with Daniel again. I went to my room and grabbed my speaker and computer. I turned on my music adn went and sat on the couch. I did my homework and my book until it was 1.

"Can you bring me to work?" I asked Daniel as I got up.

"Yes," Daniel grabbed his keys and we put on our shoes and we left. The car ride was silent until we got there.


"I will see you at 630,"

"Sorry about laughing at you,"

"It is all good," I got out of the car and waved to Daniel. He turned around after he watched me go in the door and left. I worked until 630 and then Daniel picked me up.

"Hi," I said as I got into his car.

"Hey, how was work?"

"Great, it was awesome. I am hungry,"

"Did you eat lunch?"

"No, I usually eat lunch or breakfast not both,"

"That's not healthy,"

"Why do you say that?"

"You should be eating three meals a day," Daniel said as he left my work. "What do you want to eat?"


"So I won't see the movie,"

"What?" I said laughing.

"I will be shitting-."

"I got you, I was just surprised you said that,"

"Don't be," Daniel pulled into Moes and we ate, we went to the dollar store and grabbed some snacks. I put them in my backpack, then we went into the theater. "Two adults," Daniel said and stuck his card in before I could say anything, I had my card out ready to pay.

"I can pay,"

"Nope, not happening. I invited you I pay," Daniel said as we went into the theater and watched Spiderman. On the way home I fell asleep.

A/N Can't sleep so here is an early chapter.

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