Chapter 7

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I went into Jack's room and he was up on his phone. "What's up?" I sat down on Jack's bed

"Riley, she had a bad dream,"

"Is she okay?"

"Yes, fine, she is in bed."

"Usually she comes in here when she has them, she doesn't like to be alone,"

"She kept saying that he wouldn't stop hitting her. Who is hitting her?"

"I shouldn't tell you this, but our dad was abusive. That is all I am going to say, you have to get the rest out of her,"

"He is dead right?"

"Yes, he fell downstairs and got a brain bleed and died."

"Okay, I am going to go back with her. I don't want her to wake up alone," I got up and went back into Riley's room. I lay next to her just watching her until she woke up.

Riley's POV

I woke up on Daniel's chest. "Good morning," Daniel yawned looking at me with huge bags under his eyes.

"Did you sleep?"


"What's wrong?"

"Just worrying,"




"I talked to Jack after your attack last night,"

"He told you,"

"He didn't, he said you needed to, as soon as he said that my brain went south. It hasn't turned off,"

"I have nights like that too,"

"Who is hitting you?"

"I don't want to talk about it,"

"Tell me this, is he in jail?"


"That is a great relief, did he- never mind. Let's go eat breakfast,"

"No, I am not moving for about an hour,"

"Why not?"

"I am lazy and don't like to get out of bed,"

"I get that," We laid in bed for about an hour and then I got up. I took my medicine and got dressed. Daniel made us pancakes even though I told him I wasn't hungry and it was 1030 to just wait for lunch. "You are bone,"

"I am not,"

"Yes, you are," He said as he set three pancakes in front of me.

"I can't eat all three pancakes,"

"You will eat all three pancakes," I grumbled under my breath and ate two pancakes. Daniel raised his eyebrow at me. I got up and locked eyes with him and threw it away.

"I am not hungry,"

"Riley," He scolded as he got up, he grabbed my plate before I could throw it away. "Sit down and eat it,"

"No," I said as I crossed my arms. Daniel scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine," Was all he said and he sat back down and didn't say anything else to me. He ate his pancakes and got up, he went into the bathroom. I followed him and knocked on the door. "I am going to the bathroom," I waited a minute and he came out. "What?"

"I am sorry, I have a hard time eating,"


"I have anorexia,"

"Are you on medication?"

"No," I said as I picked at my fingers, he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"We will get you on medication, I want you to eat," he said as he hugged me.

"It makes me sick, I can't even think about about it,"

"We will figure something out, I want you to start therapy and get meds."

"I have a med person,"

"When is your next appointment?" I looked up at him.

"The 15th, Monday."

"I will come with you and we can talk to him,"

"Okay," I said as I laid my forehead on his chest. "I am sorry,"

"Don't be, you have nothing to be sorry for," I left his hold and went to my room, I pulled out my Harry Potter wood thing. He followed me and sat next to me on the floor. "You can tell me anything, if you need to talk I am here,"

"Thank you," I said as I looked at him. "Wanna help?"

"Sure," Daniel cut out the pieces for me and I glued them all together and three hours later at lunchtime, we were done with the outside of one wall. We walked to Chilis, we ate and went home, and kept working on Diagon Alley until it needed to dry for a bit. We played on our phones and went right back to work, we had almost two walls done by the time dinner came. We went and helped my mom finish dinner. Then we all ate dinner, Jack is going to go see Lavy tomorrow and bring her here. We went back into my room, I showered, and then Daniel.

"My sweater," Daniel said when he got out of the shower and handed me his sweater. I looked at him confused. "Put it on," I put it on over MY SHIRT!! (Wanted to take it off and just put it on without the shirt but then decided not to.)

"Thank you,"

"What are we doing tomorrow?"

"It's Thursday, I work at 230 so whatever until then."

"When do you get out?"


"Fuck, that is long."

"I know, wait until camp. It starts Monday, I will be there from 8 to 630 most nights,"

"It's April,"

"Spring break camp,"


"Mhm," I said as I lay on my bed, Daniel lay next to me.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" He asked as I laid my head on his chest.

"I don't know, maybe we could ohh, beach. We are going to the beach."

"Okay, the beach it is," I turned on my TV not being able to fall asleep without it on, and went to bed. 

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