Chapter 6

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I woke to the sun pouring in, not my window. I sat up on the bed, Daniel was sleeping next to me. "What the hell?" I was in a room filled with instruments.

"Come back,"

"Did you seriously take me to your house? I am not ever going to live this down."

"Lay down," Daniel said as he pulled me back down onto his bare chest.

"Did you change me?" I asked, realizing I had on his sweatshirt from yesterday.

"No, just put a hoodie on you. You talk in your sleep, you keep saying cold so I took mine off and put it on you," My heart fluttered at this and my cheeks heated up. "Then you said warm,"

"Thank you,"

"Absolutely," We lay in bed and cuddled, Daniel playing with my hair as I played on my phone. Daniel got up to go to the bathroom and we ate breakfast, then he took me home. We laid on my bed, my head on his chest until I had to go to work. Daniel took me to work and picked me up.

"No longer a vigrin," Jack said as we walked in the door.

"Still am," I said as Jack set the table and we all sat down, Daniel next to me.

"How was it?" Sydie asked, winking at me.

"Nothing happened,"


"It's true, she just slept over and did alot of talking,"

"No," I said looking at Daniel trying not to kill him.

"Okay, she just slept over. She fell asleep in the car and my house was closer."

"Sure, we believe you guys," Jack said as I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, tell them to knock it off,"

"Mommy," Jack mocked me, I stood up and faked, punched him and he turned his head away. Jack and Ifaked fought nobody paying any attention to us but Daniel.

"Do they do this a lot?"

"Too often, it has become a tradition."

"They just fake fight,"

"The first time was real and since then fake almost every night, sit down guys," Jack and I crossed our arms and sat down. We all ate dinner and then Daniel and I went into my room. I turned on my music and he sat on my bed. I sat on the floor and did my gem thing, well Daniel was on his phone.

"Almost done," Daniel asked I looked at the clock and realized it was almost two.

"Close, you can go to bed," Daniel laid flat on my bed his legs still dangling off of the corner. Daniel eventually fell asleep like this on my bed, I did my gem thing until I finished it at 4. I stood up my legs giving out from sitting in a ball for so long. I cleaned up my mess and lay in bed. I sat up, Daniel running through my head. I really like him, he is so sweet, handsome, and loving, and he is that perfect guy God made for me. I sat up and laid my head on his chest and cuddled into his side. I fell asleep but was awakened by a nightmare. I sat up fast my breathing heavy, I felt a hand on my back. Daniel was sitting next to me, his hand on my back. I got up and grabbed my medicine feeling an anxiety attack coming. I sat on the toilet and put my head in my hands.

"You are okay," Daniel said as he squatted in front of me, he pulled my hands away from my face. He rubbed my hand and my other hand on his chest "Copy my breathing," He took deep breaths and I copied him until my breathing calmed down. I broke down crying. "Shh," He cooed as he kissed my head. "You are safe, I am here,"

"He is going to hurt me,"

"Nobody is going to hurt you, I am here I won't ever let anyone hurt you,"

"He wouldn't stop, he kept hitting me," I cried as Daniel hugged me.

"You are safe, he can't hurt you ever again. I won't let him,"

"Please," I cried grasping onto his hoodie.

"Shh, he can't hurt you,"

Daniel's POV

I kept telling Riley that she was safe, and I felt her grasp on me let go. Her breathing evened out and I knew she was asleep. I picked her up and carried her into her room and laid her on her bed. I looked at the clock it was 7, Jack should be up. I have to talk to him.

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