Chapter 2: Camp Ikuwa

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Franko awoke to the sound of shouting. He sat up and looked around at the exited campers. They had arrived at Camp Ikuwa. Franko streched his arms and realized that Momo was still asleep, a small wet spot on his shirt from her drool. He smiled and shook her lightly. "Hey, Momo. Wake up girl, we're here." He said. Momo stirred a bit, looking around groggily. " Hm? What?" She mumbled, sitting up a little. Franko's shoulder had fallen asleep where her head had been resting. He moved it around in a circular motion to get the blood pumping once more. Momo stretched and released a wide yawn. "What time is it?" She asked, smacking her lips. Franko checked his cell phone, the digital clock reading 11:45. "It's eleven fourty five, nearly lunch time." He said. Momo held her stomach, still looking sleepy. "That's good, I didn't eat breakfast this morning." She complained. "That's your own fault." Said Franko "maybe if you had gotten ready instead of making auntie to everything you might have had time to make breakfast." He poked her cheek and grinned. Momo, who seemed annoyed by his lecture, made a pouty face and ignored him.
The volume of the bus that had been on high moments ago was muted by the entrance of a large muscular man in a red camp shirt and cap. He had kaki shorts and white tennis shoes with socks that went up to his knees almost. The man scowled at them and held up a paper that appeared to be a role sheet. Franko eyed the man as one would an arch enemy, the man returning his glare. Momo looked to Franko, then at the man, then back at Franko. "Who is that?" She asked with a curious expression. Franko grinned. "Counciler Dick waffle! The meanest man on staff, as well as the enemy to all that is fun!" He growled, his eyes not leaving the man. Momo stared at him in confusion. "Counciler Dick waffle?" She repeated. Franko chuckled. "Yep, came up with the name myself. After that it just kind of stuck." He said. Momo looked back at Counciler Dick waffle. "I see." She said quietly so the large man would not hear.
The counciler looked away from Franko cleared his throat. "Alright everyone stay quiet! I'm gonna call roll then you will drop your stuff off at your assigned cabin then report to the mess hall for lunch. After that you will be free until five o'clock sharp, when we will begin the entrance ceremony. Everyone is to be there, am I clear?"The question seemed to be aimed at Franko specifically. Everyone in the bus seemed to sound off all at once. " yes counciler Dick waffle. " followed by a firewall of giggling. Franko chuckled at his handiwork. Even Momo couldn't help but giggle a bit. The man looked minorly irritated but at hthis point it had been three years and he had just stopped trying to correct the campers. "Good." He said "now when your name is called say here, aye, present, whatever." With that, he began to call role. Momo looked a little exited when her name was called, like it was a pleasant suprise that she was even on the list. Franko couldn't help but laugh a little at her childish expression.
After about ten minutes of roll call in which counciler Dick waffle had conveniently skipped over his name. Franko stood with the bags. The campers started to file out of the bus slowly in a single file line, Franko being last of course. As he passed the counciler he gave him an innocent smile, showing that he was present. The man mumbled something under his breath and reluctantly crossed out his name on the sheet, before storming out of the bus and heading off towards the councilers cabins. Franko stepped off shortly after. Momo stood, waiting for him. He looked at her in confusion. "You didn't hear the Dick waffle? You gotta go drop your bags off at your cabin. I will meet you in the mess hall after I drop my stuff off as well." He said. Momo looked a little nervous, groveling her feet against the ground. "But what if my cabin mates are men?..." She asked in a shy tone, her eyes on the ground. Franko's heart skipped a beat at the nervous looking girl. He did not quite understand why but she looked a little cuter then usual. He shrugged the thought off and smiled, patting her head. "You'll be fine. If anyone is mean to you then just come tell me and I will arrange for some fresh salmon to be placed in they're suitcases ASAP!" He grinned. "Franko promise!" He said reassuringly. Momo glanced up at him and smiled slightly. "You don't have to do that..." She said, a little more cheerfully. Franko patted her back. "I better not have to! Now go on, I'll see you in a bit." He said. Momo smiled wide and nodded. "Right! Yes sir!" She grabbed her bag from Franko and took off towards the girls cabin, full Sprint. Despite everything she said, he was sure that Momo was exited about spending the week here.
Franko headed off towards his own cabin. He was personally rather happy about his living arrangements for the week. The campers that he would be bunked with were best defined as some "pretty chill dudes." If you wanted a quick fix of anything, anything at all they would hook you up. Well, for a price at least. He stepped up onto the wooden porch and turned the nod, entering the cabin.
The interior design was fairly simple. Wooden walls, stacked in a mannor resembling Lincoln logs. The flooring was wood as well, though more along the lines of planks, and four beds were stacked against each corner of the cabin. "Well, at least there's no bunk beds." He muttered. "Your damn straight bro! No having to fight over who gets top dog!" The obnoxious voice had come from behind him, followed by laughter. As if it was an amusing joke. Franko grinned and turned to see Chuck the fuck. Why they called him that, Franko did not know. Standing behind Chuck were the other two cabin mates that he would be spending the week with. Chuck grinned back at Franko. "How you been man? It's been a year since I saw your brilliant ass!" He said, holding out his fist. Franko bumped it with his own. "Yeah, this brilliant ass decided to come during week two last year so I missed a lot of you bastards." He chuckled. Chuck was the kind of guy people usually marked as trouble maker right away. With his long hazel brown hair that caused many to mistake him for a girl. And his dark brown, almost black eyes. He seemed to have a perminate grin attached to his face seeing as he was never without some sort of smile. Chuck headed in past Franko, his buddies following. "So you got anything big planned for this year bro?" Chuck asked as he entered the cabin. Franko turned and gave him a mischievous grin. "Don't I always?" He said "You'll just have to wait until later tonight and you'll see exactly how my plans go down." Franko gave a thumbs up. Chuck made a small fist pump motion to show his exitement. "Sweet! Can't wait to be surprised! You never fail to amaze me!" Chuck said in exitement. Franko headed inside and tossed his bag onto the bed in the far corner of the cabin before turning back to the door way. "Well bros, its been a pleasure but I gotta get to the mess hall. My little cousin is waiting for me." Before Chuck could respond he was already gone, jogging off towards the mess hall to meet with Momo.
Upon entering the hall Franko was struck by the smell of grilled cheese and cooking grease. It was at that moment, he realized how hungry he was. His stomach growled in anticipation for the delicious smelling food. But he had to wait for Momo to arrive. He gylped back the desire to eat and sat down at one of the wooden long tables. Momo did arrive, exactly ten minutes later and seemed to be suffering from the same affliction he was, judging by the way she was rubbing her tummy. Franko stood and approached her. "Sweet, your here, lets eat!" Be said in a hurried tone. He placed his hands on her shoulders and began to lead her towards the grill line. She looked back at him as they moved forward. "I had trouble finding my cabin, you could have started without me you know..." She said slowly. "Well, too late now! Let's eat!" He stopped her when they reached the line, turning her to face him. "So?" Momo tilted her head in confusion. "So...what?" She asked. Franko sighed. "The cabin silly! How do you like it? Are your bunk mates nice?" He asked. Momo looked at the floor a bit shyly. "She seems nice..." She said quietly. Franko raised his eyebrow. "She? You mean you only have one person you have to share with?" He asked. Momo nodded slowly. "Lucky girl!" Franko complained, pinching her cheeks. "It's rare to get the less crowded cabins! Everyone else has to share with three other campers!" Momo looked distressed as her cheeks were pinched. "Ow! Stop!" She wimmpered. Franko released her cheeks. "Sorry, got a little carried away." Be chuckled. "Your cheeks are so adorable its hard not to pinch them." Momo's face became slightly red and she looked away. "They aren't adorable..." She said with a slight pout. Franko patted her head as the line moved up. "Yeah, yeah! I know! You don't like me showing affection!" He sighed. Momo remained silent, her face still red. Franko couldn't help but wonder what was up with her but instantly perished the thought upon seeing the vast field of deliciousness that lied before him. There were grill cheese sandwiches, bags of different flavored chips, an ice chest filled with soft drinks and juice pouches, bowls of potato salad. Franko's mouth watered in anticipation. He turned to hand Momo a plate, noticing her longing gaze at the buffet of food. He smiled a bit and pushed her forward in line. "Go on, dig in." He said. Momo looked a little hesitant at first but slowly reached out for a sandwich. She began to fill her plate with the scrumptious looking edibles and grabbed a small can of cola to go with it. Franko followed suit, filling his own plate with the heavenly food and grabbing a can of cola as well. They headed back to the table with the food, digging in the moment they sat down. It took franko a mere gen minutes to completely clear his plate. He rubbed his now full stomach, completely satisfied. Momo was still eating just about as carniverously as a girl her size could manage, which wasn't much. When she finally finished, she exhaled softly and smiled at him. "That was some of the best food I have ever eaten!" She said happily. Franko nodded in response. "Yeah! The old grill meister can't be beaten when it comes to great quality food!" He said, taking s sip from his soda. Momo looked curious. "You know the guy who made this delicious meal!?" Her eyes widened. Franko grinned. "Yep, she's an old friend of mine!" He said. "Met her on my first year at this camp!" Momo looked like a child who was listening to a bed time story. "It's a she? How did you meet?" She asked curiously. Franko was used to story telling. When they were little he would often tell her them as she was falling asleep. He grinned and leaned forward. "You really want to hear it?" He asked in a mischievous tone. Momo's eyes widened in her usual childish expression. "Yes! Tell me!" She pleaded, her full attention on Franko. "Well then..." He chuckled "By all means, gather around for this little tale!" He said. And with that, he began his story.

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