Chapter 2

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As Pacaldo exited the UV Express, the dull throb of his feet was a familiar sensation that contrasted with the exhilaration that was building inside of him. A sudden invitation to supper had caused him to rethink his plans and head to Mike Padua's place. His well-worn teacher's uniform, evident from the day's activities, didn't seem quite appropriate for a social event, but the warmth of the offer had overcome any concerns about appearance.

As soon as he arrived at Mike's residence, nostalgia overcame him. He hadn't been to his old classmate's house in a long time. Before he could even knock, the door sprang open and Mike's wife Mela was smiling. He was hugged warmly by Mela, a colleague math teacher from a different school, a silent reminder of their time together as Master's students.

"Good evening, classmate!" Pacaldo said, enjoying the informality as a contrast from the custom of exchanging titles with classmates. "Thank you so much for the invitation. It was a lovely surprise."

Mela smiled. "And thank you for accepting! I even managed to whip up some roasted chicken with rosemary and thyme. Sounds delicious, right?"

Pacaldo shouted, his face beaming with sincerity. "Unbelievable!" "I can't wait to taste it."

Mela laughed. "No problem, sir Pakula, though you don't have to be so formal. But speaking of formality," she said with a teasing twinkle in her eyes, "weren't you supposed to be renewing your vows with your husband recently?"

Pacaldo laughed heartily, blushing slightly from self-consciousness. "That's true," he said. "But a teacher's life is never dull, as you know."

It was at that moment when the sound of tiny feet reached them, signaling the arrival of Mike and Mela's kids. With their cheers of greeting filling the air, Jordan, a quieter figure at twelve, and Joshua, a seven-year-old ball of enthusiasm, both ran into the room, hugging their mother and turning around thereafter.

"Oh! Children, say good evening to sir," said Mela to her kids.

Their voices were a beautiful mixture of timidity and enthusiasm as they chorused, "Good evening, sir Pakula!"

Warmly grinning in reply, Pacaldo's heart grew at the sight of the animated family. The front door soon swung open once more, presenting Mike. His hands were stained with grease, evident from his recent visit to the motorcycle repair shop, but his smile remained sincere. With a soft tap on Pacaldo's shoulder, he sent a powerful message of welcome.

With a loud "Hey there, stranger!" he led Pacaldo inside the home. "Get yourself cleaned up, and then we can dig into this delicious spread Mela has prepared."

The smells of roast chicken filling the house, together with the cozy talk of friends getting together, promised an evening full of humor, friendship, and a much-needed respite from the everyday grind.

Pacaldo joined Mike and his family at their dinner table that evening, and a warm current of unity surged around the table. With heads lowered, a silent prayer expressed gratitude for the company and the meal. Pacaldo's phone buzzed, causing a slight vibration on the table as they prepared to begin.

He glanced at the screen, brightly flashing Krishna's name. He excused himself for a moment, took out his phone, and tapped it. Short and to the point, Krishna's message was, "Where are you now?"

Pacaldo responded silently but quickly, his fingers skimming the screen. He typed, "At my co-teacher's house," then backspaced and said, "I mean, our neighbor's house. You can come in here to join."

Mela's voice sliced through the air, warm and appealing, before he could send the message. "Sir, let's eat now. The food won't get any colder."

Pacaldo raised his head, a grin lighting up his features. He said, "Okay, okay," and put his phone back in his pocket. "Just a second, I'll start eating now."

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