Chapter 16

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The empty ER was bathed in an antiseptic glow as the fluorescent lights of Malolos General Hospital buzzed overhead. The nighttime shift ended when Dr. Chalisa Morallos, a thin woman with remnants of sleep stuck to her eyelashes, pulled open the swinging doors.

She noticed her colleague and sometime sparring partner, Dr. Patricio Sultano, bent over a desk. Next to him, the distinguished cardiologist Dr. Katarina Karenina examined an X-ray film with great care.

"Well, well, well," Dr. Chalisa said with a mischievous enjoyment in her voice. "Look who's burning the midnight oil! Don't tell me you two are catching up on some overdue gossip disguised as medical research?"

She suddenly interrupted him, startling Patricio, who looked up with an embarrassed smile. "I'm just wrapping up a case report, Doc," he said, sounding tired.

With unwavering professionalism, Dr. Katarina inclined her head towards Dr. Chalisa. "Indeed, Dr. Morallos. We're finalizing the report on Ernesto Herbosa's case – the board member with the Lisinopril overdose."

Surprised, Dr. Chalisa raised an eyebrow. "Herbosa's case? But that was weeks ago! Why the sudden urgency?"

"Our ever-enthusiastic CMO, Dr. Srinivas Timonera, needs it for the upcoming hospital medical conference. Seems like he wants to showcase a successful recovery case," Dr. Katarina said, her tone slightly amused.

With a chuckle, Dr. Chalisa released her tension from the exhausting night. "As expected from Dr. Timonera," she shook her head. "Always looking to impress the higher-ups. Although, showcasing a successful recovery is never a bad thing, is it?"

The sounds of enthusiastic chatting and zipping backpacks filled the hallways of Bulacan National High School as the 4:30 PM dismissal bell rang out. Priyanka touched the biometric machine with her finger and heard the familiar beep indicating another workday's end. She bid farewell to Michelle, Archer, her colleagues educators, and the other members of her close-knit school community with affection.

The peaceful routine was interrupted when an SMS notification rang on her phone. It came from her only son, Aries, who brought her great delight. In his 12-year-old text message, the message said, "Hey Mom, can you pick me up?"

Priyanka, who has always been a devoted single mother, made no hesitation. With a swift "On my way!" in response, her heart grew full of fierce love as she ran to the parking lot, got in her car, and drove the well-known path to her son's primary school.

As soon as she got there, she saw Aries, a mop of silky black hair joyfully bouncing among the students. He saw her too, and his face lit up with a big smile. He was at the car door, flinging his arms around her in a tight hug, as soon as she pulled up.

"Hey there, champ!" Priyanka shouted as she gave the hug back with all her strength. She breathed in his hair aroma, which comfortingly reminded her why she had worked so hard all day, and the weight of the day fell away.

Abruptly, a sleek black automobile squeaked to a stop next to them. A tall, dignified man with pepper and salt hair stepped out, hurry and hope all mixed on his face. With a worried quiver in his voice, he walked over to Priyanka and Aries. He started, looking from mother to son, and said, "Excuse me."

With a startled look on their faces, Priyanka and Aries stood up straight. With all the innocent curiosity of a child, Aries blurted out, "What's the problem, Mom?" His voice was a little higher pitched than that of a normal 7-year-old, but it also had a tinge of concern that mirrored his mother's.

Unaware of the man's motives, Priyanka put a shielding hand on Aries' shoulder. She felt a sudden wave of uneasiness at the man's presence and his attitude of hurry and riches. Priyanka was left wondering about this stranger and his intentions as the ritual of picking her up in the afternoon, which was supposed to be an act of pure parental love, took an unexpected turn. Unspoken tension sat heavy in the air, a sharp contrast to the happy squeals of kids leaving school. Priyanka's expression of worry reflected the uneasiness that had descended upon her upon seeing the stranger.

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