Chapter 9

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The sterile white walls of the hospital room appeared to shut in on Ernesto Herbosa as the weight of his rehabilitation fell on him. The events of the previous few weeks flooded back, including the frantic dash to the emergency department, the excruciating days spent hooked up to machines, and the worried expressions of his wife, Laksani, and doctor, Patricio. Relief surged over him as he remembered the news: he was finally returning home.

Dr. Chalisa, a young tan-skinned resident with a kind smile, stood by Patricio, her eyes bright with delight. "Mr. Herbosa," she began, her voice warm, "you've made a remarkable recovery. We're so pleased with your progress."

Ernesto's voice was still hoarse from disuse, but he mused a feeble smile. "Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate everything you both have done for me, especially the other doctor I saw the other day," he rasped, his gaze alternating between Patricio and Dr. Chalisa. "I owe you both a debt of gratitude for giving me a second chance."

"Dr. Karenina is occupied with her cardiology responsibilities, so she won't be able to come here," informed the doctor.

Ernesto nodded gently in response. Patricio smiled back but with lines of concern around his eyes. "We're just happy you're well enough to go home, Mr. Herbosa. Take it easy, follow your doctor's orders, and focus on getting back on your feet."

Laksani, the epitome of calm support, stood at her husband's side, her hand resting on his arm in a subtle expression of affection. They began gathering Ernesto's stuff with the assistance of a few hospital employees as well as the Herbosas' stoic security.

As Ernesto and Laksani approached the exit, a sense of appreciation swept over them. The event served as a sobering reminder of life's fragility, but it also emphasized the depth of their friendship and the dedication of their medical team. With each stride toward the waiting automobile, they carried a renewed appreciation for life, family, and the talented hands that had brought Ernesto back from the edge.

Dr. Chalisa and Patricio felt a bittersweet sensation as they watched Ernesto Herbosa and his wife, Laksani, go through the hospital's automatic doors. Relief and contentment mixed with a hint of professional concern. They had dragged Ernesto back from the brink, and his recovery was a monument to their ability and determination.

"He looks good, wouldn't you say, Doc?" Dr. Chalisa asked with a note of satisfaction in her voice.

Dr. Patricio nodded in agreement as his gaze lingered on the vacant doorway. "He does indeed. A far cry from the man who stumbled through those doors a few weeks ago."

A thoughtful silence fell over them, interrupted only by distant sounds and whispers emerging from the emergency room. Dr. Chalisa, her face worried, sighed heavily.

"It's good to see him recovering," she began, her voice almost a whisper, "but I can't help but worry about..." her words drifted off, thick in the air.

Patricio, ever attentive, sensed her unsaid concern. "About the hospital's finances, you mean?"

Dr. Chalisa nodded, a hint of dread in her eyes. "Even with all the professional gratification we get from saving lives, it's hard not to think about the bills piling up. We haven't received our salaries this month, have we?"

Patricio scratched his temples wearily. The weight of their financial difficulties fell on him like a leaden mantle. "No, not yet," he said, his voice heavy. "Though to be fair, it has been a couple of months since the last one. We just have to hope the administration sorts things out soon."

Dr. Chalisa gave a sardonic smile. "Hope so, doc. That seems to be all we have left at this point, doesn't it?"

Despite the financial uncertainties, Patricio's eyes lit up with purpose. They fought for Ernesto's life, and they would fight for their own as well. But for the time being, they would enjoy the quiet victory of a patient recovered and a battle won. The future, with its many obstacles, would have to wait.

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