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Watching from afar,

Your eyes following the script,

Your smile shattering darkness,

Inspiring awe.

The one story I refuse to control,

The writing on the wall unimportant,

A perfectly designed world for a perfect soul.

Do you notice the trees bowing?

The flowers showing their beautiful faces?

The birds singing you the melodies you desire?

The waves parted by a force unseen?

Do you believe it a coincidence?

Do you see yourself a god which the world loves unconditionally?

Do you read between the lines of fate?

Or maybe you'll run away from this reality,

Leave me to write my story alone.

Me in my own hallucination,

My own imagination my own cage,

My own mind my own reality.

Maybe I will realize you were never a tangible reality in my world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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