Chapter Thirteen: Will the Wise

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The party decided to split up and look for their missing friend hoping he was somewhere around the school. Riley and Lucas took off down the hall together, after a few minutes of searching around the hallways Riley felt herself drawn outside. It was a weird feeling, something from her gut that just told her she needed to get out there and fast. She took off hoping Lucas would get the hint and follow her which thankfully he did.

    She made her way out to the football field sprinting as fast as she could, dropping her backpack at the edge of the field where she saw Will standing by himself. As she got closer it looked like his eyes were closed in another episode. She got close to him and grabbed his shoulders, giving him a shake as Lucas radioed their friends. "Will?" She questioned as she got down to his level, bending her knees so she was eye level. There was no answer or change from the boy; she looked around, seeing Mike running out towards them. She turned back to Will and placed her hand on his cheek trying to wake him softly from whatever trance he was in.

    Suddenly she felt a pull in her gut and as she looked around she was in the upside down. She was a few feet away from Will who was surrounded by this dark dust. It was all around him swirling and flying in the air. Riley got closer and it looked almost like it was attacking the boy. "Will!" She shouted out again as she watched the dust attack him. She shook her head but knew she had to do something to help her friend. "Screw it." She whispered to herself before charging forward at Will. She lowered her shoulder and performed the perfect tackle, forcing Will to the ground and away from the weird dust. She rolled to the side off of the boy and quickly stood up ready to fight anything that got close to them. Will's eyes snapped open beside her and she felt a tug in her gut again.

    She fell to the ground as soon as she opened her eyes, her breath was getting caught in her throat and she sat up trying to weeze out a breath. Lucas was by her side in an instant helping her sit up, eyes scanning her face. She felt around in her pockets for her inhaler but came up empty remembering that she had put it in her backpack last time she used it. Lucas seemed to catch on as his eyes moved looking for her bag.

    "Where's Riley's bag?" He shouted as he looked around. She was struggling to breath as Max came running over, kneeling down beside her. She shoved something into Lucas's hands before scanning Riley's face in worry. Max grabbed her, helping keep her sitting straight up as Lucas shook her inhaler, shoving it in her frantic hands as quickly as he could. She took a puff, feeling her lungs loosen as she held her breath before letting out a slow breath and all but collapsing into Max as she was finally able to breath again. The girl held her carefully almost like she was something fragile that would break at a moment's notice. But Riley was exhausted, unable to think about anything but what had just happened. Her breathes still coming out in pants.

    Riley glanced over at Will, seeing that he was being taken care of by his mom. "You scared the shit out of me." Max's voice came from above her, causing her to turn and meet the other girl's eyes. She went to sit up but Max's grip on her tightened, keeping her basically in her lap.

    "I'm okay," she said to the girl with a soft smile, "thanks for finding my inhaler."

    "Anytime," Max responded, "But let's not make a habit of scaring the shit out of me please." Riley chuckled at that, knowing if Max continued hanging out with them there was no way she could keep that promise.

    "I'll try my best." She told the girl. Her attention was drawn to Will then who was standing up with his mom who was ushering him to the school. That urged her up, wanting to make sure the boy was okay. So she stood and quickly made her way over to the mother and son. Stopping in front of them and putting her hands on his shoulders checking him over with her eyes, trying to see if there was anything at all wrong with him. "You ok?" She asked finally, looking the boy in his eyes.

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