Chapter Fifteen: The Spy

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Riley was starting to worry, she hadn't heard from Mike or Will or even Dustin in the last twenty four hours and she was starting to get antsy. She was at the Sinclairs again just hanging out with Lucas brainstorming ideas on how to prove to Max they weren't lying about everything. But Riley's mind was all over the place, either she was daydreaming about the red head or she was worrying over Will. He had been getting worse, and she understood they were coming up on the anniversary. She had definitely been having worse nightmares and the sleepless nights were starting to get to her. But for Will it was getting so much worse.

She rolled over on Lucas's bed with a sigh now on her belly facing the boy. "We need to do something else. I can't keep going over this in my mind right now, I'm going nuts." She told him dropping her head into her hands. She glanced up feeling the boy's eyes on her, he looked worried, but she just stared back at him not knowing what else to say.

"Alright well I can show you my new action figure, mom picked it up the other day after I begged for it." He told her standing and walking towards his dresser that had all his action figures sitting on it. He reached out grabbing the iron man action figure that was new to the collection. Riley quickly joined his side, reaching out to touch the figure.

"Now this is a sweet action figure," she told him excitedly bouncing on her toes, all previous worries pushed away for the time being. "Now all you need is the hawkeye figure and you'll have all the avengers!" She was looking through his whole collection now counting them all up in her head. Her eyebrows furrowed when she realized one was missing. "Where's Heman?" She questioned realizing that was the missing figure.

"What?" Lucas questioned glancing up at his collection, eyes glancing around it trying to find the toy in question. "He is normally right here next to Martian manhunter." He gestured to an open space in his figurines eyebrows furrowed.

"Well he couldn't have gone far," Riley told him, "unless suddenly these toys come to life when we aren't looking." It was a joke but after everything they had seen it was probably quite possible.

"No," Lucas sighed out. "I know exactly where he is." He turned and headed out of his room. Riley followed as they walked up to Erica's room, Lucas opened his sister's door to reveal her playing with He-Man and a barbie, them seeming to be making out.

"Woah," Riley let out as she stood behind Lucas. "Now that was not something I really cared to see." She joked Lucas sent an elbow to her ribs with a quick jolt shutting her up.

"I knew it." Lucas said, grabbing the action figure from his sister's hands before standing by Riley's side again.

"Hey! They're in love." Erica exclaimed, Riley couldn't help but let out a chuckle at that, Lucas was not as amused.

"No, actually, they're not. They don't even exist on the same planet." Lucas told her.

"Or even the same universe," Riley added. Erica just glared at them both unamused.

"Aren't you too old to be playing with toys?" She questioned them both. Riley just scoffed at the girl.

"That... that's not the point." Lucas answered, "the point is to stay out of my room." He turned at that and started to leave the room pushing Riley out in front of him before she could inform the girl that they were not in fact toys but highly collectable action figures.

"Then tell your little nerdy friend to shut his mouth." Erica called after them, they both paused at that before backing up slowly to the door again.

"What are you talking about?" Lucas asked, face scrunched up in confusion.
"'Code red, Lucas. Code red. Code red.'" Erica mocked. "Bunch of nerds." Riley felt anxiety pool in the bottom of her stomach as she met Lucas's alarmed gaze. The both took off down the hall to his room scrambling for his walkie talkie. Riley got there first and turned the thing on muttering and mumbling under her breath as she worked the dials. She sat down on the bed, Lucas following suit as she raised the radio up to talk into it.

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