Chapter Fourteen: Dig Dug

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Riley spent the night at Lucas's house that night, her dad still not being home from his work trip and they wanted to watch the Pacer's game together, so she just stayed over. They did a little bit of planning trying to figure out how to deal with the Max situation but they couldn't decide on when they should tell the girl or in Riley's case if they should tell her.

    The next morning the two were woken up by the smell of one of Mrs. Sinclair's amazing breakfasts. Bolting up and out of bed they raced to get ready, trying to beat the other downstairs to the food. Erica was sitting downstairs in her pajamas at the table eating by the time that Riley had gotten down there. She had beaten Lucas by a mile so she walked in the kitchen and took a seat at her normal spot at the table. "This smells delicious, Mrs. Sinclair." She told the women as she pilled her plate full of the french toast and bacon.

    "Oh, thank you dear. But try and save some for Lucas, don't want him being grumpy all day because he didn't get any for himself." Riley nodded her head in agreement, Lucas may not have been as invested in food as she was but he was a close second when it came to his mom's french toast. Riley was done with her first slice of french toast when Lucas came lumbering into the kitchen plopping in his seat and loading his plate.

    "That's enough, Erica." Mrs. Sinclair told the girl who was sitting across from Riley. She glanced up seeing her pouring syrup over her french toast drowning it just like she does to hers. She smirked at the girl who responded to her mom with a shake of her head. Sticking her tongue out at Riley who was sticking her tongue out right back at her. This was her second family and Erica made sure to treat her just as she would Lucas, so Riley had to fire back and keep the girl in check.

    "Dad?" Lucas asked from beside her as he picked at his french toast.

    "Mmmhmmm," Mr. Sinclair hummed from beside her reading the newspaper.

    "When mom's mad at you how do you make her not mad?" He asked. Riley raised her eyebrows at the question, confused on where it was coming from. Until she remembered Max and her blowing up at the boy yesterday. Mrs. Sinclair had sat down beside her looking at her husband eager for his answer, and Riley couldn't help but chuckle at that.

    "Hmm. That's a great question. How do you, hon?" She asked, leaning her chin against her hand looking at her husband. Mr. Sinclair didn't even glance up, he just continued reading his paper as he answered.

    "First, I apologize. Then, I get your mother whatever she wants." Mr. Sinclair told them still reading his paper. Riley nodded at that, it made sense.

    "Even when she's wrong?" Lucas asked. That got Mr. Sinclair's attention, he dropped the newspaper from in front of his face at that.

Looking between Riley and Lucas he said, "She's never wrong, son." Before lifting the paper back up and continuing reading.

"That's right," Mrs. Sinclair said with a chuckle, patting her husband's arm as he sent her a smile with a bit of a laugh. Riley looked over at Lucas whose face was drawn together in confusion. Lips pursed as he stared down at his food on his plate. He stood up abruptly startling Riley as he picked up his plate, putting it in the sink. Riley's eyes widened as she started shoving the rest of the food on her plate in her mouth before standing to follow after her best friend. "Not hungry?" Mrs. Sinclair asked as she watched them put their dishes away.

"Not really," was Lucas's short reply which had Riley muttering under her breath about being hungry. Lucas slapped her arm as they started towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Sinclair asked from the table.

"Yeah where are we going?" Riley whispered to the boy next to her. He just ignored her, turning to his mom.

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