Chapter Four: The Aftermath

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After Mike rode off into the dark of the night the rest of the group decided to follow him. Riley didn't want to let any of them out of her site after seeing Will's limp body being dragged out of the quarry. Picking up their bikes they rode in silence with El hopping on the back of Riley's bike. They finally caught up to Mike about a half mile from his house. He told them El can stay in the basement again for the night and to just sneak her in through the downstairs door. Minimal words were exchanged as they continued on to Mike's house.

Once they were there Mike threw down his bike before bolting for the front door, Riley just continued on to the basement door trying to hold back tears as she remembered all the times they spent in this basement with Will and how they'll never make any more memories with the boy. Opening the door she let Eleven into the basement unable to step into the room. El paused as she passed the taller girl looking at her and seeing the tears in her eyes. As Riley made eye contact with the girl she tried to give her a little smile, tried to tell her it wasn't her fault without words, but it probably came out as more of a grimace. El quickly leaned into the girl pulling her into a hug, and that was all she needed for more tears to come pouring out. She clung onto the girl for a few more seconds before pulling back and wiping her eyes.

"I have to go," she told Eleven, "Stay here with Mike, and don't take anything he does too personal. He's upset and sad. Not at you, okay." Eleven nodded at her before entering the Wheeler's basement, Riley quickly shut the door and picked up her bike. Dustin and Lucas watched her as she got close to them, giving them a nod once she reached them. Without a word they all took off biking towards their houses. Lucas peeled off at his normal spot with a wave to the two, Dustin waved back but Riley just continued on trying not to think of just a few nights before when she had said goodbye to Will for the last time.

She peeled off into her driveway without a word to Dustin, she was greeted with an empty dark house that just made her want to run and hide. Making her way into the kitchen she spotted the note her dad left. It was late and he was most likely sleeping but she had to try and call him. She didn't want to sit in the cold dark silent house all by herself with no one to talk to. Especially not after what had just happened. So she grabbed the note and headed to the phone, typing in the number just ready to hear her dad's comforting voice. It rang a few times and she was greeted with a sleepy hello.

Hearing his voice sent her back over the edge, she was sobbing again into the phone and trying to explain to her dad what had happened.

"Hey, hey kid calm down. Just breathe for me okay," he told her in a calm voice. She had run out of tears and was just hyperventilating at that point but she listened to his voice. "Take a deep breath... now hold it... and let it out." He instructed her, she listened, taking in deep breaths and slowly letting them out. Letting her fathers calm voice rush over her and calm her. "Now tell me what's going on."

So she did, she told him about Will and everything. Everything but Eleven, she left her out, she made a promise after all. There were a few more hiccups when she got to talking about seeing Will's body but she didn't freak out. "Okay, I'm gonna come home as soon as I can tomorrow okay. For now how about you head over to the Sinclair's for the night yeah?" He asked her. She just nodded her head exhausted from the day. "Okay, you go get ready for bed, I'll call over to the Sinclair's. I love you, kiddo." He told her.

"I love you too, daddy." She whimpered out then hung up the phone. She turned to her bedroom, careful not to look around at anything that might remind her of Will. She pulled on her captain america pajamas and her slippers, then brushed her teeth. Soon enough she heard the doorbell ring and she opened it being met with the motherly face of Mrs. Sinclair. She pulled the girl into a hug squeezing her tight. Riley clung to her but no tears fell, she was all dried out.

They headed over to the Sinclair household where she was met with Lucas who immediately pulled her close to him not letting her go. A mug of hot coco was pushed into her hands as they sat on the couch wrapped together in a blanket. She sipped on it as she stared off into space as the grownups chatted a few feet away. Eventually, Lucas stood up still holding her hand and took the mug that was half drank and cold and set it on the coffee table in front of them.

"We're gonna go to bed," he whispered to the girl softly pulling her along with him as he led the way up to his room. Once they reached the room they both collapsed into his bed huddled closely under the covers scared to let the other go. Riley felt numb, she couldn't think, couldn't feel, she couldn't even really hear. But every time she closed her eyes all she could see was Will. Flashes of him, his smile, his laugh, him playing D & D, but also flashes of him limp being pulled out of the water. She clung tightly to Lucas who was holding her just as tight. Finally after what seemed to be hours she was able to drift off into a semi peaceful sleep.

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