38. Damage

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"... Hadyn?... are you okay?." Lucia asked as he stormed around the place getting dressed. She knew his mood had changed up pretty quickly since his call.

"Listen, I need to go out..." he said not even hearing her question. "what are you doing today?."

"I was going to head to the mall with Lola and get a couple of new outfits for starting back at the office tomorrow.." she said to him.

He took his wallet from the bedside table and handed her his credit card

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He took his wallet from the bedside table and handed her his credit card. "Get what ever you want... go all out.."

"I don't need your card.. I'm good..

"Take the card girl.. if I can't treat you now and again.. then what is this... go knock yo self out.."

Lucia gave him a hug. "Thank you baby.. I hope you sort out whatever is on your mind right now... I don't like seeing you so stressed.."

"Take security with you please... and tonight it's me and you all night. ...give me a kiss." He said holding her face in one hand and tilting her head up so he could kiss her, his dominance asserted. He then left quickly.

Lucia walked down to the kitchen to make some food, she had worked out and then worked out again in the shower with her man and now she was starving. She made herself a bowl of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and banana with yogurt and honey. She loved how Hadyn's cupboards and refrigerator were always so full. She was high on love at the moment with him, he was being so attentive and loving.
Her cellphone rang and it was Durrell. "Hey Durrell." She said with a smile. "Are you okay?."

"Bitch! Tell me you're not dealing with that beef cake of a man anymore..."

"What?.. who are you talking about?."

"Hadyn Taylor, or should I say Terra... have you even seen the news today.. and social media.. girl that man and his business is popping all over the place... and you should see the girls he's fucking with... I know how you are and you're gonna be as insecure as fuck when you see some of the girls he's busting wide open.."

"He's fine.. and we're all good?.." she said confused.

"Girl I love you.. but you need to wake up.. he's gonna hurt you.. he is not the man that you think he is..."

Lucia was now baffled as she didn't know what was going on.


Hadyn met up with Diego and Kelso. Diego showed him the story. And showed him what had been posted all over social media. He read it and looked at the posts. All of a sudden he erupted. He smashed up the trap, everyone there was silent as he went off.
He then stood after 10 minutes of anger management on material things, snd breathed deeply.

"You know who is guilty of this..." Diego said.

"Dolores broke the story but she didn't know a lot of that information.. she's been getting info from someone..." Hadyn said his voice low, he was now in a screwed up head space.

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