55. In on business

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"... hey Otis.."

A big burly man walked over to the hotel room door of Kingston. "Cancel the flights, I've decided that I'm gonna stick around in LA for awhile.. quite like it here... Also, I wanna know where the fuck I can find Terra aka, Hadyn Taylor... his place of work... and then get a meet arranged...That motherfucker and myself are gonna have a deep and meaningful conversation about what kinda business he had going down with my brother.... I might be able to cash in on some of his ventures.."

Otis nodded. " I'll get on it now for you... Take it that you had a good night last night" he smirked.

Kingston smiled. " hell yeah... and I'm sure there will be plenty more of them where they came from..."

Kingston went back into his room and into the en-suite

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Kingston went back into his room and into the en-suite. He thought about the night with Tamia. He had been angry with her because she had left him all those years ago, he also knew that he would be able to get her straight back into bed which he succeeded in doing. But he was mad with himself that he had let her go leaving things in a bad place. He was hoping he would see her again and he would do everything that he could to track her down.


Tamia came down the stairs sheepishly the next morning. She could hear Raphael and the kids in the kitchen. She took a deep breath and walked in. "Hey babies." She said painting on a smile for her kids. Acting as if everything was fine she went to get herself a coffee and make sure the kids had what they needed for school.
All the time she could feel Raphael's eyes boring into her from behind.

As the kids went upstairs to get themselves finished off for school, she turned and looked at him. "Do you want a coffee?"

 "Do you want a coffee?"

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"I'm good... you had me so worried last night, don't ever fucking do that to me again Tamia... You had me thinking anything coulda happened to you out there....especially when I spoke to Ria and she told me that you weren't with the girls... You know I deal with some dangerous shit..."

"I know I can't apologise enough... I'm gonna quit going out for awhile, last night was crazy and maybe I need to just leave alcohol alone.."

The door opened and Lucia walked in. She looked at her auntie. "Aunt Tamia... I was so worried last night... Where were you?"

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