52. Healing

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"Are you okay about seeing him?" Tamia asked.

Lucia smiled. "Yeah... after hearing what Draya had to say to me today, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt and I have to see it for myself..."

"Good on you..." she paused. "You know when Dion's brother brought you home.. did you tell him who lived here?."

She shook her head

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She shook her head. " I just said it was my uncle's house. I wasn't really in the mood to give him any names not after what I've just been through... I wasn't about to light anyone else up... why?.."

"Nothing... I was just wondering that was all... He's just pulled up outside by the way so go and have some fun and get every piece of information you need from that man to satisfy your curiosity, before you come home.." she said and smiled as Lucia left.

She walked out of the house towards the car and she could feel her heart beginning to race again. Hadyn was on the phone so she walked around and opened the passenger side herself and just got in next to him. She just sat quietly as he finished off talking to whoever was on the other end of the phone regarding some kind of business deal. She took this time to look at him, take him in and see all the things in front of her once again that she liked about him.
"I'm sorry about that..." he said ending the call. "my phone is like a hotline.. but I promise I'm turning it off now and you've got my undivided attention all night.."

She smiled

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She smiled. She put her hand on top of his on the gear lever. "I've not really been very fair to you... bringing up your ex-wife the other day was a low blow and I'm sorry for that... I was in my feelings and it was the heat of the moment but I promise you that I didn't mean anything by it... I can't talk about someone that I never knew.."

"I get that, I've said and done some things in the heat of the moment before now that I've also regretted... it's fine..."
He reversed out of the drive in his Maserati and headed towards the restaurant he had booked for them.
"So... you and Draya were talking?." He said not wanting to bring her up in front of her, but definitely wanting to know what the conversation was about, he was itching to find out is he was in the doghouse or not.

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