You rescued him, nursed him to health, and after many passionate nights, he disappears. You go on with your life and find out you are carrying his child. Just as you think you've moved on an inch, he reappears.
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Week 25
You might look like you swallowed a soccer ball right now, and that's okay. You may be feeling awkward or uncomfortable as your body adjusts. Though routinely more comfortable than the first trimester, you may find your energy levels starting to drop as you reach the third trimester. Weight gain is noticeable at this time, some women gain a pound a week during this time to the end of the pregnancy. You may notice outward changes to your body in the second trimester, such as darkening nipples (which later helps the baby latch on), expanding stretch marks (don't forget to moisturize), patches of darker skin on your face, and a line of hair running from your belly button to the pubic hairline. Though these changes are normal and all the while miraculous, make sure you take care of your mental health, sharing your feelings with loved ones and your doctor if you start feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or just down. As before, rest (get all the pillows you need for comfort) and hydrate, watch your diet and dental, and put those feet up!
Your baby now weighs 1.5 pounds and is 12 inches tall, or about the size of a head of cauliflower, rutabaga, or eggplant. Hair Is starting to come in, weight gain increases. The physical growth of your baby is matched by other development, including being able to respond to familiar sounds such as your voice. Your baby may begin to move when they hear you speak. Her nose and lungs are beginning to take practice breaths for her arrival, though right now she breathes amniotic fluid which keeps her warm, safe and comfortable.
At week 25, you might be getting used to feeling the baby's flips, kicks, and other movements. In just a few weeks, you'll want to keep track of these, but for now those flutters can simply be a joyous reminder of your growing baby.
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I can't believe it.
I'm nervous. The tent looks huge!
"You okay?"
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