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A story of Taekook and Sebaek❤️

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A story of Taekook and Sebaek❤️

This book is angst with happy ending....

Maybe this storyline is very clichè to you but I hope you will try this story and finger crossed 🤞 you will like it. I know I can't update my books very often recently due to my classes and some health issues but I'll try to connect with guys more as possible.

Anyway ignore my grammatical errors and please don't write any negative comments🙏. If you have any complaints or requests please text me, I'll try to communicate.....please enjoy💕💕💕💕

Before starting the I want to mention that Taehyung is younger than Jungkook in this story....

In the story:

A man with fair skin and long eyelashes that curved over his big eyes. His hair swayed over the bridge of his sharp nose and eyes. He opened his eyes from his sleep and a smile popped on his face. But immediately his cute bunny smile dropped when he didn't find his beloved husband beside him.

He groaned with annoyance, turned towards the rust brown acrylic bed side table. It was a picture of him and his adored husband during their wedding on a golden frame that glistened under the sun.

He stretched his muscular arms and lifted his blanket from his legs.

He walked straight to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes. His petite husband was cooking someting and seemed really busy. He back hugged and nuzzled on his delicate neck. His husband flinched a bit but immediately smiled.

His husband: You finally got up Jungkook?

Jungkook hummed cutely and snnuggled more: Mm... Why did you leave me alone on the bed? You know I felt cold without you...

His husband turned to him:"Hey put on a shirt!" Don't walk around the like that Kook" "Just because you have a nice body and sexy tattoos ,doesn't mean you have show it off all the time."

Jungkook with a cheeky smile: Why? Are you tempted Baekhyun-ah?

Baekhyun:No not at all. Hurry up! Do you not remember where we're going?!

Jungkook with a pout: Yeah yeah. How can I forget about that, you're litterly eating my brain for it. Sorry, I'm tired from staying up all night doing my project.

Baekhyun side hugged :I understand it's hard being an architect.

Jungkook:By the way, what are you making? It smells amazing!

Baekhyun: You'll see later. Now hurry along!

Jungkook: Ok ok going! Jesus !

Jungkook went to shower and upon returning, noticed his husband didn't choose clothes for him.

Jungkook: I guess he is really busy.

He took some moisturizer while applying on his face: Today he forgot about me for hi-

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