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In the story:

It started from small tears and without even realizing he began to sob. Endless streams of water rolled down from his chin onto the tin of cupcakes. His mother could hear his loud weep but she couldn't help her son. The door was locked. She knocked many times but he didn't open the door.

He hugged the picture of his husband and lied on the harsh freezing floor, a great tremor overtook him....

His words broke up and all he could say were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down his face,and he squeezed his eyelids shut in hope his sobs would stop. His choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for a long while.

As more tears came, more thoughts of his cherished husband through his head. His vision grew translucent as his cornea was aching from tears. All of a sudden black emptiness surrounded him and his eyes automatically shut.

In the morning, little rays of sunshine glowed on his face.

Jungkook, while murmuring: It's so cold...Baekhyun-ah
Come closer...

He wanted to hug and cuddle with his husband....

He raised his hand forward, just to find the surface of marble tiles and rough edges under his fingers.

Jungkook spoke in a hushed voice: Baekhyun-ah....where are you?

That's he realised he was on the ground. His body was aching like hell. He woke up to hear a knock.

That moment reality hit him very hard.

Jungkook's mother: Jungkook it's quite late, have some medicine and you have to eat something..please.

Jungkook placed his husband's photo away and opened the door.

His hair was disheveled and he was still wearing the clothes from the funeral with his tie hanging over his roughly buttoned shirt.

Jungkook's mother: You look terrible...Go freshen up. Come afterwards I'll give you medicine. I made breakfast as well.

Jungkook went to the bathroom.

Under the gentle downpour, he stood, his tears merging with the water's flow. The warm water from the shower relaxed his muscles,the steam wraps him but his heart was relentless. He was feeling very vulnerable inside. He sat down on the cool surface, the water courses down his body. With each drop of water, he released more and more sobs. He pressed his palms against his forehead.

Jungkook: Why is this happened to me? Why?

He clutched his chest as he can physically tear out all his aches ,his sorrows.

When the tear subsided, he stepped out of the shower,wrapping himself in a towel.His heart ached looking at the empty bed. His husband would usually pick clothes for him. After getting married he never chose his clothes for himself.

He looked at his dressing table, the bottle of body lotion.

His husband always helped him to use body lotion on his back. He loved the way how Baekhyun used to rub gently body lotion on his back with his soft hands.

He looked at the mirror but today there was no reflection of his husband.

His mom: Are you done?! Hurry up!

He quickly picked clothes and head to the kitchen.

His mother made him waffles with orange juice on the side. She placed whipped cream and fruits on the waffles.

His mom: I made your favorite breakfast. Eat them.

Jungkook just sat there quietly.

His mother: What do you want to eat for lunch?

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