Chapter: 2

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In the story:

3 days later, Jungkook opened his dark eyelids after a tiresome slumber. It was like dark caves under his eyes with blood red eyeballs. His body was full of bandages covered in red. He was surrounded by an off white wall and unnerving silence. The room was filled with an overpowering smell of antiseptic, a little bit bitter,with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained soaps and intense citrus cleaners.

His body trembled as he groaned.When he inhaled,felt a flesh of pain on his head.

He heard a concerned voice which is very familiar to him.

Jungkook's mother: Are you ok?

Jungkook looked at his mother whose face looked like woeful. Her eyes were puffy,red and voice was a bit raspy.

Jungkook in a rough, quiet voice: Where's Baekhyun?

Jungkook's mother with his glassy eyes: You're ok right? Thank God!

Jungkook impatiently: Where is he?!! Is he ok?!

Jungkook's mother: Don't move, you have injuries all over your body.

Jungkook: I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!! ANSWER ME! Where is Baekhyun?

But immediately he whimpered in pain.

His mom: We will talk about it later. You should just take rest.

Jungkook: Mom I am fine, just tell me about him.

Jungkook's mother was in tears. She was choking on her words.

Jungkook was frightened inside: Please don't cry. Is he ok? Where is he? What did the doctor say?

Jungkook's mother with her broken voice: Noth-ing ever come-s into this wor-ld to stay for for-ever...

Jungkook's eyes widened and became moist. His plums were sweaty in nervousness and it felt like everything is collapsing in front of him.

Jungkook: What do you mean?! Where is Baekhyun?! I need to see him!

His mom went closer to him and tried to comfort him.

His mom while comfort: I know it's very hard for you but he is not in this world anymore.

Jungkook moved his hand away: NO I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. YOU'RE LYING!

The doctor centered the room.

The doctor : Oh you woke up!

Jungkook was ripping off his bandages and needles from his blood bags and saline. He was behaving like a crazy.

The doctor: What are doing?! Stop! You're endangering your life!

The doctor immediately rushed to him.

Jungkook: I'm perfectly fine! I don't need these things! I just need my husband. Where is he?

He stepped out of his bed in a rush to leave his nightmare. The doctor and his mother tried to explain to him but he was in disbelief.

Jungkook: I know you are lying! Is he in a critical condition? Is that why you're lying to me? So that i don't keep hopes? I still have hopes so..stop lying to me. I know he will be fine. He can't leave like this....

Jungkook rushed to different rooms with hope only to be flooded with dread and sorrow. There were only other patients but no sign of his beloved husband.

Jungkook's mother grabbed his shoulder lightly and made him stand still.

Jungkook's mom: He's no more Jungkook.

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