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In the story:


His mom: You heard me right. You are going to marry your brother-in -law.

Jungkook: Is this a joke?! If this is joke then this is not right person or time!

His mom: No this is not a joke. I talked to Taehyung and he accepted the proposal and agreed to marry to you.


His mom: Jungkook listen to me calmly. This is best decision for both for you.

Jungkook: Best decision?! Who did you give that right to take a big decision of life?

His mom shouted while crying: I AM YOU MOTHER JUNGKOOK! I have rights to take decisions what's are good or bad for you. And you are going to follow my order this time

Jungkook: How could you think of something so absurd? I can't even imagine!

His mom: I know it's very difficult for you bear but he is perfect for you.

Jungkook: Not at all! I LOVE HIS BROTHER NOT HIM!

His mom: I am well aware of that but the person you love he is no more for God sake! You need to get into your brain. Tae is all alone and you're also heartbroken, depressed. He is incomplete without his brother and you're completely lost. If you two got married you can complete and help one another. I know it's early but it's the right choice for you. You really need someone to take care of you.

Jungkook scoffed: So that's why you are going to ruin someone else life. You know very well I can't love him so why?

His mom: Please Jungkook hold your emotions. You look like an insane Jungkook. I know it's harsh but this is reality that the person you love,he is gone Jungkook. It's painful for you but you have to try.

Jungkook took a bottle of alcohol and broke it with fury causing his blood to pour out of his hand.

Jungkook: I can't listen to this nonsense anymore!

Jungkook's mother: What are you doing?!!! You've gone crazy!!!

His mom made him sit on the bed and she sat beside him with medical kits.

Jungkook's mother wrapped a bandage around his cut after cleaning the wound and looked him in the eyes with anger and worry.

Jungkook's mother: When you first told me about Baekhyun, I didn't really like him but now.....I see how important he was. I really think he should've been here with you, look at what happened to you. I wish God had given my lifespan to him.

But you know I believe you'll like his brother too, he's very nice too-

Jungkook: Mom please stop. You know I won't love him so why are you trying to ruin his life?

Jungkook's mother: You know when you told me why you liked Baekhyun? I still remember said Baekhyun was so kind, friendly and good hearted.

Jungkook with a painful smile: Yes, he was. Also I said he is so beautiful and the cutest person I have ever seen!

His mom: Tae has all the qualities Baekhyun had like friendliness and responsible. He is also very soft hearted.

Jungkook got up and was about to leave..

Jungkook's mother: When you decided to marry Baekhyun, I didn't want you to but you did it anyway. This time, listen to me. I talked to him and he's a very nice guy. Didn't Baekhyun tell you to take care of his brother? Tae is struggling financially, can't study properly and trying to find a job but couldn't. Without Baekhyun, he can't even afford to arrange the money to study abroad.

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