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In the story:

Tae: Should I help you?

Jungkook didn't reply,he was dazed by Tae's looks.....

Tae nervously applied some shaving foam on Jungkook's face as he knew he had work soon. Jungkook was frozen in amazement.

Tae slowly helped Jungkook shave with his razor. Jungkook couldn't believe that Baekhyun was in front of him.

Jungkook slowed moved some of Tae's silver hair in front of his eyes.

Jungkook: I knew you didn't go anywhere...

Jungkook looked at his face intensely.

Jungkook shouted: You're not Baekhyun!

Jungkook pushed Tae all of a sudden, causing him to move his hand and give Jungkook a cut.

Tae panicked: Are you crazy?! Your face is bleeding!!

Jungkook didn't care about his wound, he threw Tae out of the room and locked the door.

Tae was slamming the door, telling him to treat his cut but he didn't open.

Tae placed his head in disappointment, not knowing what to do to help him.

Tae's eyes were tearful: I don't know hyung...what should I do?!...

Jungkook held the sides of the basin and looked at himself in the mirror.

Jungkook: How stupid was I to think he was Baekhyun?!! They aren't the same at all!

He punched on the wall in disappointment.

Tae left the room. Afterwards Jungkook came into the living room, clean shaved with a plaster over his cut.

Tae: Breakfast?

Jungkook drank a glass of water and left. Tae tried to contain his anger, after all, Jungkook's anger towards him was unfair.

Jungkook entered his bedroom to change his clothes.

He looked at the bed with his sorrowful eyes, Baekhyun always prepared his clothes for work...

He took some random clothes...

When wearing his shirt, he missed Baekhyun putting lotion on his back, He missed him so much....

He placed the tie around his neck, untied when he called Baekhyun.

Jungkook loudly called: tie-

He didn't even realise Baekhyun wasn't there. Baekhyun had always told his off and told him to learn to tie his tie.

Baekhyun: When are you gonna learn?

Jungkook showed his bunny smile : I have my beautiful husband to help me.

Baekhyun:I was busy Jungkook. I was making a cake for stay still..

Jungkook: You look so cute when you get annoyed...

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands tying his tie.

Jungkook: You?! Why are you here again?! Go-

Tae shouted: Be quiet and stay still!

This was the first time Tae had raised his voice towards Jungkook, which surprised him.

Tae: I'm only doing this, not because I want to but I had promised my hyung.I agreed to be with you only because of my brother. I don't want to be here.

Jungkook: Leave m-


Jungkook didn't say anything, noticed many similarities between the two brothers. Their attentiveness, their careful nature, their look, their annoyed face but they had a big height difference. Tae was definitely taller than Baekhyun.

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