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In the story:

After Baekhyun opened his eyes, he saw a tall, incredibly handsome man standing in front of him. He had a concerned tone and expression...

Sehun: Baekhyun are you ok?

Baekhyun felt as if he had heard his voice before but he couldn't think properly.

Sehun: Are you ok?

Baekhyun didn't respond.

Sehun: Can you hear me?

Baekhyun nodded as a yes.

Baekhyun: Where am I?

Sehun took a breathe of relief: Finally you spoke!!You are at a hospital...

Baekhyun confusedly: Who are you? 

Sehun: I'm your doctor. Do you remember anything?

Baekhyun thought for some time.

Baekhyun: Why am I here?

Sehun held his hand: You had a big car accident so you were admitted in this hospital. You had been in coma for about 11 months.

Baekhyun: Coma?!

Baekhyun checked his head, face arms and legs in panic.

Baekhyun: Is everything ok about me??

Sehun: Calm down. You're ok.

Baekhyun: Where are my family members?

Sehun was upset inside, thinking he had remembered his family. This would be sad for Kai.

Sehun: Do you remember your family members?

Baekhyun: My family members...? Um...

Baekhyun held his head in frustration.

Baekhyun: Why can't I remember my family, doctor?? Do you know them? Did they contact you? Where are they?

Sehun:Shus.... relax Baekhyun. Of course I do. I know your brother very well. You have a smart handsome brother, who is my bestfriend and a kind mother.

Baekhyun: Where are they?Why are they not here with me?

Sehun: It's quite late night so they are at home. You were in this situation since 11 months. They don't know you are awake. They got to know your health is getting well.

Baekhyun: Are they happy about me?

Sehun: Of course! If they find out you are awake they would rush here immediately!

Baekhyun felt more relaxed.

Baekhyun: Doctor, have we ever met before? Of course we do as you said you're my brother's bestfriend....

Sehun: Yeah...

Baekhyun started ribbing his head harshly :Why can I not remember anything??

Sehun: Don't put so much pressure on your brain. It's because of the surgeries you had to for through.

Baekhyun Will I never remember anything?

Baekhyun made a gloomy expression. Sehun patted his back.

Sehun: We'll see. It's pretty common to have such problems but you'll stay under me so all we can do is be hopeful.

Baekhyun smiled with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. This was the first time Sehun saw Baekhyun's smile, Sehun liked his unique boxy smile.

Baekhyun: It's really embarrassing ,because I can't remember...
but ...the name you called me it really my name?

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