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In the story:

The night Tae took the Baekhyun's diary, he reading the it curiously. He came across a page that told the tale of Jungkook and Baskhyun's first meeting and their love story.

A few years ago, Jungkook and Baekhyun used to study in the same school. Along with everyone else, Baekhyun also agreed that Jungkook was a heartthrob and anyone who looked at him would have a crush on him. He was very likeable and attractive to others among all students.

For Jungkook, Baekhyun was a strange person. As soon as he entered the class lazily, he would sit at the back and sleep. His clothing was dirty sometime and very old. He was always alone.

Whenever Jungkook looked at him, he looked like very sleepy. He often got told off by teachers and sometimes even detentions. Jungkook had wondered what Baekhyun did at home for him to behave like this. He was however very obedient. Even though Baekhyun seemed very simple but whenever Jungkook gave glances towards him, he felt Baekhyun is beautiful, especially his puppy cute eyes. He didn't know why but he always felt affection whenever he saw those eyes.

One day, Jungkook had dressed up in his usual stylish look and as charming as ever, walked down the hallway with his friend group.

Jungkook noticed Baekhyun asleep as usual which led to an expected scoff. After he sat down, for some time, he felt a stare coming from behind him. As he turned around, Baekhyun's eyes immediately shifted his eyes.

Jungkook's friends included some of Baekhyun's bullies. Sometimes they encouraged Jungkook to bully him as well but he wouldn't directly. Despite this, he still despised Baekhyun's quiet and to him, powerless nature. Jungkook never helped Baekhyun, even though he really wanted but he didn't because of Baekhyun's seemingly weak mentality.

One day, Jungkook was eating with Jimin and some of his friends in the canteen, Baekhyun was leaving with his food. The bullies had noticed him and whispered amongst them. One of them placed their leg forward, making the hungry and tired Baekhyun trip and drop his food.

Jungkook was watching the entire situation and saw it was completely intentional.

Baekhyun's food dropped onto someone's shoe.

The guy: Ah you idiot, what did you do? Clean it.

Jungkook clenched his fist. He wanted to give a hard punch to that guy.

Jimin whispered to Jungkook: I feel bad for this Baekhyun guy. They always do this to hurt him just for fun. Poor Baekhyun!

Everyone crowded the scene in a circle. Some felt excitement and some felt pity but Jungkook was frustrated by Baekhyun, because he didn't fight for himself.

The guy took out a napkin and gave it to him.

Another guy: Hey wouldn't it be better if he cleaned it with his shirt?

Baekhyun widened his eyes and frightened by them. Jungkook was really getting angry.

The guy: You mean like he takes his shirt off? That would be one hell of a show!

Baekhyun: No....please forgive me! It won't happen again.

Water droplets fell out of Baekhyun's eyes.

Baekhyun: Please..don't do this..

Baekhyun clasped his hands together.

Baekhyun: I-I have a handkerchief. I am cleaning your shoes with it...

One of the bully placed his hand near his button.

The guy: Let me help you ta-

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.

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