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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈 and Shuri was walking up to the front door of the lab as Shuri lifts up the tarp that was over the persons head that T'challa and Okoye was bringing in the lab "Great! Another white boy for us to fix. This is going to be fun" Shuri says as Cami looks at her with an are you serious look "Really Shuri" Cami says to Shuri as Shuri just shrugs her shoulders at the girl.

As Shuri spreads out a hologram of his spine, she sees where the bullet hit him before looking at T'challa "He will live." Shuri says to him as she pats the person shoulder while Cami was leaning on Shuri's back putting her head on her shoulder.

As Shuri's Kimoyo Beads trills as the music in the lab stops playing before Shuri looks at her Kimoyo beads "W'Kabi is here." Shuri tells T'challa as T'challa walks back up the lab stairs.

"Ooo Shuri check out my suit" Cami says to Shuri as Shuri looks over at the girl seeing her in the suit she made, to Shuri Cami looked absolutely beautiful in her suit "I like it, it fits you very well sunshine" Shuri says to Cami as Cami smiles as she presses the black button in the middle of her chest as her suit goes away and she's now in her normal clothes.

"All right. Where am I?" Cami hears someone says as she jumps in fear of hearing the sudden voice before calming down seeing it was just the guy Shuri fixed, "Don't scare us like that, colonizer!" Shuri exclaims to the guy.

"What? My name is Everett." Everett says to Shuri as Cami sits down on the stool next to Shuri's desk "Yes, we know" Cami says to him as she continues to work on her weapon she was making "Everett Ross former air force pilot and now CIA." Shuri says to him as she turns back around looking at her tablet looking at his information.

"Right." Everett says to her as he starts looking around the lab as Cami just looks at him confused "Okay, is this wakanda?" Everett asks the two girls as Cami looks at him like he's stupid "No, it's Kansas." Cami says to sarcastically as Shuri looks at her with a smirk.

"How long ago was Korea?" Everett asks them as Cami goes back to working on the weapon she was making which was her new bow and arrows, "Yesterday." Shuri tells him "I don't think so. Bullet wounds don't just magically heal overnight." Everett says to her as Shuri chuckles softly at him.

"They do here. But not by magic, by technology." Cami says to him as Shuri just admires her beauty before looking back at her screen of her tablet, "Don't touch anything. My brother will return soon." Shuri tells Everett as he starts walking towards the glass wall as he looks at the trains below.

"These train things that's magnetic levitation, right?" Everett asks the two girls as Cami looks up from her bow and arrows looking at him "Obviously." Cami says to him annoyed at all his questions as Shuri looks at her telling her to stop being rude as Cami just starts back working on her bow listening to Shuri.

"Obviously, but I've never seen it this efficient. The light panels, what are they?" Everett asks them as Cami feels her phone ding looking at it seeing that she got a text from her mom telling her to come back and that she was sorry as Cami just ignores the message putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Sonic stabilizers." Shuri tells him as she grabs Cami's hand underneath the table sensing that something was wrong as Cami just smiles at Shuri comforting her, "Sonic what?" Everett asks Shuri confused. "In its raw form vibranium is too dangerous to be transported at that speed so I developed a way to temporarily deactivate it." Shuri explains to him as her and Cami walks over to where Everett was standing .

"There's vibranium on those trains?" Everett asks Shuri as Cami leans her head on Shuri's shoulder "There's vibranium all around us." Shuri tells Everett as Everett looks around the lab, "That's how she healed you." Shuri says to him as she walks back over to her desk dragging Cami with her since they were still holding hands.

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