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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 walking to her dorm room with Riri and her food, she uses her key to open the door, "Riri, they didn't have the potstickers you wanted so I just got dumplings I hope that's fine" Cami says as she sets the food down on the table.

"Cami" Cami hears a familiar voice say as she looks up seeing her girlfriend she hasn't seen in 4 years, "Shuri, Shuri!" Cami yells as she runs up to Shuri hugging her as Shuri spins her around before putting her back down onto her feet.

"I missed you nerd" Cami says looking up at Shuri smiling as Shuri smiles back at her "I missed you to sunshine" Shuri says as Riri just stands there behind them confused, "Uhhh" Riri says as Cami looks back at her as Shuri and her pull away from the hug, "Oh Riri this is my girlfriend Shuri" Cami tells Riri as Riri looks at her shocked.

"Your girlfriend is the princess of Wakanda!?" Riri says looking at Cami with wide eyes as Cami chuckles nodding her head as she walks over to where her desk is sitting down facing Shuri.

"But anyways I'm here about the vibranium detector that you and Riri built for the CIA." Shuri tells the two girls as Cami and Riri looks at each other before looking back at Shuri, "We ain't built no detector for no CIA." Riri says to Shuri as Cami nods her head in agreement.

"We made that for our metallurgy class." Cami says to Shuri as Shuri looks at her confused "A school project?" Shuri asked her as Cami moves her notebooks around her desk looking back at Shuri, "Yeah." Riri said to Shuri as she walks over to where Cami is, "Our professor said that we'd never be able to do it. To be young, gifted, and Black though, right?" Riri says to Shuri as she Chuckles before sitting down on her bed.

"Y'all probably don't say that in Wakanda." Riri says as Shuri looks at the small figures that Riri and Cami made, "How old are you?" Shuri asked Riri since she already knew how old Cami was since their the same age, "Nineteen." Riri says to Shuri as Cami turns around in her desk grabbing her notebook as she writes something down for her new suit and weapon she was working on.

As she looks back up at Shuri "Brilliance at a young age is not always acceptable by the elders." Shuri says to Riri as she walks over to where Cami and Riri was, "How long did it take you guys?" Shuri asked the two girls as Cami thinks about how long it took them before replying.

"couple months." Cami says to Shuri as Riri nods her head Agreeing with Cami "Couple months?" Shuri says shocked by that it only took them a couple months to build the vibranium detector, "The hardest part was finding big enough mylar sheets to cover the..." Cami says before pausing looking at Shuri, "Wait, did we piss off my home country?" Cami says to Shuri referring to her home country which is Wakanda.

"Not just us. This place is no longer safe for you girls." Shuri says to Cami and Riri as Cami and Riri looks at each other before looking back at Shuri, "Gather your things and come with me. Right now." Shuri says to Cami as Cami looks at her in disbelief.

"We got Differential Equations class in, like, 15 minutes." Cami says to Shuri looking at her phone before looking back at Shuri as Shuri gives her a stern look, "Okay. Okay, yes ma'am" Cami says as she gets up putting her phone in her shorts pocket.

"You wait right here. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm just gonna..." Cami says as she walks to their bathroom that was in their dorm as Shuri follows behind while Riri grabs her backpack.

"Ooh! Shit, Okoye!" Cami says as she backs up away from the bathroom as Riri looks at the woman she didn't recognize as she backs up into a corner picking up her speaker as Cami backs up into her desk a little scared about the woman just showing up out of nowhere.

"I had it under control." Shuri said to Okoye as Okoye walks up to Shuri, "I said five minutes. I gave you six." Okoye says to Shuri as Cami looks at Riri seeing the panic in her face, "Get out. Get out of our dorm." Riri says to Okoye as Okoye starts walking up to Riri.

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