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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃 Shuri were in her lab Cami was sitting down on a stool debating on whether to bring up the fact that T'challa's dead or not to Shuri as Aneka walks up to them.

"Princess?" Aneka says to Shuri as Shuri looks back looking at her as they hug each other before pulling away, "Thank the ancestors." Aneka says as Shuri looks at her confused before looking down seeing she has the weapons she gave her in her back pockets.

"Hmm?" Shuri said as Aneka looks at her while Cami continues to fiddle with her necklace, "I just wanted to return these." Aneka says to Shuri as Shuri looks down at the weapons before looking back at her.

"No. Keep them. Might need them soon." Shuri says to Neka before turning towards her desk, "Did you get that from down there?" Aneka asks Shuri as Shuri looks down at the bracelet Namor gave her as Cami glares at it in anger.

As Shuri takes off the bracelet setting it down, "Is it true you saw an underwater empire?" Aneka asks Shuri as Shuri looks at her nodding her head, "Yes." Shuri says to Aneka as Cami picks up the bracelet examining it before putting it back down, "Hmm." Aneka hums looking at Shuri.

"It is beautiful." Shuri says as she looks at the bracelet while Cami looks at the bracelet before looking at Shuri, "But these people are dangerous, Aneka." Shuri says to Aneka as Aneka looks at her, "Mm." Aneka says as Cami gets off the stool she was sitting on.

"Hey um, Aneka could like step out of the lab real quick I need to talk to Shuri about something." Cami says politely to Aneka as Aneka nods her head leaving the lab as She turns to her desk working on something as Cami looks at her with a serious expression.

"Shuri, why didn't tell me T'challa was dead?" Cami asked Shuri calmly trying not to get mad, "Because I just didn't." Shuri says to her shrugging her shoulders as Cami sighs getting annoyed.

"You could have least told me!" Cami says to Shuri as Shuri snaps her head towards her, "We didn't speak to each other in 4 years Cami! 4 years!" Shuri Says to Cami frustrated as Cami looks at her in disbelief.

"Okay well you still could have at least texted or called me! To tell me that T'challa was is dead!" Cami says to Shuri as Shuri looks at her in disbelief, "Are you serious Cami, you can't be serious right now. I was hurting, mourning my brother's death and you want me to call you and tell you he's dead!" Shuri yelled into Cami's face as Cami feels tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Yes! Yes I did, Okay I'm your girlfriend and you could have at least told me! Instead of keeping it to yourself Shuri damnit!" Cami yells back at Shuri as tears starts rolling down her cheeks, "You know what Cami. I can't talk to you right now." Shuri says to Cami as she turns around heading over to her other desk.

"What so you want me to leave?" Cami asked Shuri as tears starts pouring down her face even more as Shuri sighs before turning her head back a little looking at Cami, "Yeah, yeah I do." Shuri says to Cami walking away towards her desk, "Ok, if that's what you want then I'm leaving." Cami says as she turns around before rushing out the lab in tears.

As Shuri turns her head towards the lab door seeing Cami run out crying before she knocks a glass bottle onto the table in anger and sadness as she tries to hold in her tears.

As Cami walks into the throne room where Riri and Queen Ramonda was she quickly wipes her tears away as she smiles at Riri who sees her first as the Queen smiles at Cami as well as she continues to show Riri around.

"So, Miss Riri Willams, what do you think of Wakanda?" Queen Ramonda asks Riri as Cami looks out the window of the throne room, "The stories just don't do this place justice." Riri says as Queen Ramonda chuckles at her While Cami looks down the necklace Shuri gave her in sadness this was the first time they ever had an argument.

I WANNA BE YOURS, Shuri udaku Where stories live. Discover now