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AS CAMI wakes up from being unconscious as she looks around seeing that she wasn't in California anymore before sitting up, "Oh, my god" Cami says as she looks around panicking, "Okay, breathe. Breathe." Shuri says to Cami rubbing on her thighs.

"Oh, don't tell me to breathe." Cami says to Shuri looking around before looking back at her as Riri sits up sitting next to Cami trying to figure out where they were also, "Where the hell are we?" Riri asked Shuri as Cami continues to look around scared.

"We're in a cave. I'm not sure where." Shuri says to Riri and Cami as Cami looks at her in shock, "Oh, my god!" Riri says to Shuri as Cami looks up at the ceiling of the cave seeing blue stings hanging down.

"What is that?" Cami asked Shuri as she looks back at Shuri, "Glow worms. Their larva gives off light." Shuri tells Cami as Cami gasps heavily still panicking.

"Just calm down." Shuri says to Cami again trying to calm her down as she grabs ahold of Cami's hand creasing it, "Okay, is there, like, a new black panther that you can call to come and get us?" Riri asked Shuri as Cami looks at Shuri confused on why Riri said new black panther.

"No." Shuri says as she sees Cami looking at her from the corner of her eye, "Why not?" Riri asked her while Cami tightens her grip on Shuri hand, "Because it doesn't work like that anymore. The Black Panther is gone." Shuri says to Riri as Cami looks down in shock realizing that meant that T'challa was gone.

But she didn't want to bring it up so she left it alone for now, "So y'all stopped have Black Panthers when Me and Riri get kidnapped?" Cami says to Shuri a little frustrated and sad as Shuri puts her hands on Cami's arms trying to calm her down.

As two blue people starts walking over to where Shuri, Cami, and Riri were as Cami and Riri gets up from the hammock quickly as Shuri puts an arm in front of them to protect them as Cami holds onto Shuri's arm.

As the two blue ladies starts speaking to Shuri in a different language Cami looks at them confused, "Do you understand her?" Cami asked Shuri as Shuri looks back at her, "Not completely." Shuri says to Cami as one the blue ladies had Shuri an outfit.

"Hell no." Cami says putting her hand in front of Shuri's arm making Shuri look at her, "I watched some movies with Riri and that is some supervillain shit right there. That's in every movie. Princess Leia." Cami says to Shuri as looks back to the blue ladies.

"Belle from Beauty and the Beast. That white chick from Indiana Jones." Cami says as Shuri looks back her as Cami looks at her while Riri sits on the hammock worried.

"It's fine. You should already know what I have to wear at Warrior Falls." Shuri says to Cami as Cami looks at the blue lady while Shuri takes the outfit from the lady as Cami looks at it suspiciously.

As the lady speaks to Shuri while Shuri starts walking towards the lady before Cami stops her by grabbing her arm pulling her back, "Wait. You're not leaving me in here not after I just got you back, are you?" Cami asks Shuri as Shuri looks at her as Riri smiles at what Cami said.

"I'm coming back." Shuri tells Cami as Cami tightens her grip on her arm "I'm coming back. Stay calm." Shuri tells Cami as Cami finally lets go of her arm while Shuri starts walking away with the blue lady as Riri gets up walking over to Cami holding her as the other blue lady approaches them as she holds out a bowl of fruit as Cami just looks at it before nodding her head no.

As Cami and Riri sits down on the Hammock together Riri looks over at Cami as she sees Cami fiddling with the necklace Shuri mailed her for their anniversary, "Soo Cami, how long have you and Shuri been together" Riri asked Cami as Cami looks up at her.

"I'd say about 4 years because we started dating when we were 18 and now we're 22" Cami says to Riri as Riri looks at her shocked, "wait so how did you guys make it work." Riri asked her as Cami smiles at her curiosity, "We would send each other letters because we both wasn't able to visit each other since we both was busy, and we would mail each other gifts if it was our anniversary." Cami tells Riri as She continues to fiddle with her necklace as Riri nods her head.

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