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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈, 𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐈, and Riri was looking at a hologram of Namor, "Why doesn't he look like them?" Cami asked as Shuri looks at her then back to the hologram, "His physical is completely different. None of them fly or have pointed ears like him." Shuri says to Cami as Cami nods her head understanding.

"The women that were guarding us, they had water over their mouths and on their necks. He didn't have that." Riri says to Shuri as Cami nods her head agreeing "Several organisms don't need gills to extract oxygen from the water, so it's like a jellyfish." Shuri says to them as Cami sits down on a stool, "He just absorbs the oxygen from his skin. It's a process called diffusion." Shuri and Cami says diffusion at the same time as Shuri looks at her as she chuckles.

"In that attack before he took out your plane, he jumped back into the water. What if that's what makes him strong? He's breathing air and getting oxygen from the water on his skin." Riri says to Shuri and Cami as Cami sits up a little leaning on Shuri's desk.

"And if we could find a way to dry his fishy ass out, he won't be as strong." Cami says to them as Shuri and Riri looks at before Shuri looks back at the hologram of Namor, "Yo, that's it. GRIOT. We need to convert the Royal Talon Fighter into a pervaporation chamber." Shuri says to Griot as Cami looks at her confused, "Is that even possible?" Riri asks Shuri as Shuri smiles at her girlfriend and Riri's confusion.

"Yes. You are going to help us trap him." Shuri says to Riri as Riri nods her head as Shuri walks over to her desk and her board as Cami sits down in the stool next to her holding Shuri's other hand.

"Please show Miss Willams where she's working." Shuri says to one the people in the lab as shuri looks at Cami, "Here, I started working on it while you were away is was gonna be a gift but I guess I can give it to you now." Shuri says handing Cami a new bow and arrow with vibranium string on the bow as she looks at Shuri smiling.

"Omg! Thank you." Cami says giving Shuri a kiss on the cheek as she walks off to where the mannequin was with her new suit on it as she grabs her fabric as she starts adding more stuff to her Suit and as she starts working on her new quiver for her arrows.

As Okoye and Shuri stands in her lab, Cami was trying to figure out what color to make her quiver as she finally decided to do black, "I was the tip of the spear of Wakanda's army. This is not me. Besides, I'm a civilian now. I turned in my weapon." Okoye says to Shuri as Cami glances over at Okoye sadly.

"I built you a new spear as well." Shuri says to Okoye as Okoye side eyes her as Cami chuckles at Okoye's side eye, "A new one?" Okoye asks Shuri as Shuri smiles at her, "Yes." Shuri says to Okoye as Cami holds up her quiver to Shuri with a thumbs up asking if it looked it good as Shuri smiles at Cami nodding her head yes.

"What is this contraption's name anyway?" Okoye asks Shuri as Shuri looks back at Okoye, "The Midnight Angel." Shuri says to Okoye as Cami makes tries to cover her laugh at Okoye's face expression, "Midnight Angel" Okoye says to Shuri not liking the name.

"Listen to me." Shuri says to Okoye in Xhosa as Cami stops laughing as she feels heat rise to her cheeks from Shuri speaking an different language which made her sound very very attractive, "This will even the odds against them. Sister, I need you to be ready when I call you. Please." Shuri says to Okoye as Okoye looks at her as Shuri nods her head towards Cami as Cami gets up off the stool grabbing her quiver.

As they both start walking out the lab holding hands as Okoye continues to look at the suit "Shuri." Okoye calls out to Shuri as Shuri stops in tracks making Cami stop as well, "Yes." Shuri says looking at Okoye, "How many of these did you make?" Okoye asks Shuri as Cami smiles at Okoye happy that she's gonna be with two people that she care for the most in battle again.

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