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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈 and Shuri was waiting on T'challa to give them signal, "Shuri, Cami now." T'challa says to them on his ear piece, "Copy that." Shuri says back to him.

As Shuri, Cami, Nakia, and Everett started walking to her lab in disguises "Go, go, go! Come on Ross!" Shuri says as they rush to her lab calling out to Everett by his last name.

As Cami and everyone else take off their disguises they walk to Shuri's station as all their weapons show up "Nakia, Cami, and I will get control of the Royal Talon with this." Shuri says as they start picking up their weapons as Cami picks up her bow and arrows and the thing that make her transform into her suit.

"So what do I do?" Everett asks Shuri as Shuri walks up to him with some Kimoyo Beads "You'll have to fly it." Shuri says as she puts the Kimoyo beads on his wrist.

"What?" Everett says confused looking at Shuri, "You were a great pilot." Shuri says as Everett walks up to her as Cami puts the button onto the middle of her chest, "Don't worry, I'll guide you through it. It's just like riding a hoverbike." Shuri tells him as she pulls up her other station.

"What? You guys have hoverbikes?" Everett asked as Shuri walks back over where the their weapons are as Shuri grabs her weapons as she grabs the rest of Cami's arrows giving them to her.

"Hey, Nakia, take that." Shuri says pointing at the armor for the guards "I'm not a Dora." Nakia says to her as Cami rolls her eyes "Just put it on, it's armor!" Shuri says as Nakia looks at the armor before grabbing it.

"Come!" Shuri says to Nakia and Cami as Shuri runs up the stairs to the lab "Good luck! Agent Ross!" Shuri says to him as Cami gives him a thumbs up as she rushes up the stairs, "Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing with this." Everett says as Nakia rushes up the stairs with Cami and Shuri.

"We're counting on you." Nakia says to him as he just looks at around confused on what to do.

As Shuri powers up her gauntlets as Nakia does the same with her blades while Cami grabs an arrow from her quiver as she lines it up with her bow as the door opens.

As Shuri blasts one of the men with a sonic blast as Cami shoots the other man with an arrow making the man fall down as they walk out the palace, "Go, go!" Nakia says as they run over hiding behind something as Shuri throws control button onto one of the ships.

"I made it American style for you. Get in." Shuri says to Everett through the Radio as Everett gets in the plane as he powers it up before taking off. "Yes!" Nakia says as her Shuri fist bumps while Cami cheers Everett on.

"Go! We can't let those weapons get beyond Wakanda." Shuri tells Everett as Cami, Shuri, And Nakia as they charge at Erik as Nakia throws a blade at him at him as he dodges it before running towards Cami and Shuri as Shuri looks at Cami nodding her to T'challa as Cami nods running towards the battle to help T'challa.

As Cami sees T'challa flying across the field as She shoots some of border tribe with her arrows rushing over to T'challa before seeing Nakia fall to the ground as She rushes over to Nakia knowing that T'challa can help himself.

"Nakia are you okay?" Cami asked Nakia as Nakia looks at her nodding before looking at the battlefield as Cami leaves Nakia there knowing she can handle herself also before running into the battlefield as Cami starts shooting more people with her arrows as she reaches into her quiver feeling that she doesn't have anymore arrows as she looks to her side seeing Erik walking up to Shuri as Shuri starts backing up.

As Cami looks over seeing a spear laying on the ground as she picks it up running towards Erik and Shuri "Get away from her!" Cami says as she runs to Erik as she was finna hit him with the spear as Erik knocks the spear out her hand before grabbing her by the throat raising her up.

I WANNA BE YOURS, Shuri udaku Where stories live. Discover now