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𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈 and Shuri was standing on the bridge watching the other tribes walk in as Nakia sees them as She walks over to them while Cami takes her quiver off making sure she has enough arrows for this war.

"Hi." Nakia says to Shuri and Cami as Cami just smiles at her, "Good morning." Shuri says to Nakia as she grabs ahold of Cami's hand as Cami puts her quiver back on her back by using her free hand, "If we survive this, I want you to know that you have a home with me in Haiti." Nakia says to Shuri as Shuri just looks at her.

"Here. Take my hands." Nakia tells Shuri as Shuri lets go of Cami's hand taking Nakia hands while Cami sees Riri waving at her as she waves back at her smiling, "Shuri, I want you to be honest with me. Who did you see when you took the Herb?" Nakia asks Shuri as Shuri looks at her before taking her hands out of Nakia's.

As Cami rubs Shuri's back in comfort, "If you go to war for vengeance, it will not fill the hole left from her loss. It will only grow larger, and it will consume you." Nakia explains to Shuri as Shuri looks at her as Cami grabs ahold of Shuri's arm, "It already has." Shuri says to Nakia as she starts walking away to the boat with Cami as Cami looks back at Nakia mouthing an apology.

As Nakia walks onto the boat after them as Cami stands next to Shuri as Nakia stands on the other side of Shuri as Shuri walks up to the edge of the boat she starts chanting in Xhosa as everyone else chants with her.

As the blue people starts climbing on the boat, the guards jump down and land on the side of the ship as they start fighting off the blue people while Shuri yells before jumping off the boat hitting a backflip as she uses her claws to hang onto the boat as Cami starts shooting at Namor with her arrows.

As she sees Riri falling down, "Riri!" Cami yells out as she tries to shoot Namor again with another arrow before Riri regain herself as she starts flying again while ship goes flying off as Namor follows it as Riri starts following Namor and the ship, "Cami Now!" Riri yells out as Cami nods shooting an arrow to Riri as Riri catches it as she finally makes it namor.

As she shoots him down using her blaster and Cami's arrow cutting his a little bit not a lot as the ships flys under him making him land inside the ship as the ship flies over to where Shuri is as Shuri jumps inside it as it flies away from the boat.

As Riri lands onto the boat as Cami puts down her bow and placing her arrows back into her quiver, "Yo, we got him." Riri says to M'Baku as Cami smiles at her, "Good!" M'Baku says to her as Cami high-fives Riri.

"Namor has been captured." Nakia says as she tells them to retreat back as Cami watches Riri fly back up into the sky as she starts helping the others get back onto the boat, "Back to Wakanda!" M'Baku yells out to his men as they start pulling the guards back up as they hear a boom sound go off at the bottom on the boat.

"That's can't be good." M'Baku says to Nakia as Cami looks at his a duh face as a bunch of water bombs go off at the bottom of the ship making the ship tilt over as someone the guards fall overboard including Cami as M'Baku grabs her hand pulling her back onto the boat as they start fighting off the blue people as Cami uses her arrows to shoot them.

As one of the people starts approaching her, she reaches for one of her arrows before shooting them off the boat with an arrow stuck in their shoulder as one of the blue people tries to hurt Nakia, Cami looks at M'Baku, "M'Baku! Throw me!" Cami says to him as she runs up to him before he grabs her by her arm swinging her towards Nakia as she shoots an arrow at the Blue person.

As Nakia catches her, "Are you alright?" Cami asked Nakia as Nakia nods her head yes as they continue to fight off the blue people as Cami sees Riri having trouble with an blue lady on her back as she tries to aim an arrow at her but couldn't because they kept moving around.

I WANNA BE YOURS, Shuri udaku Where stories live. Discover now