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AS CAMI and Shuri was standing at the entrance of her lab as they both bow down to T'challa as he walks into the lab "My king" they both say in unison, "Stop it, stop it" T'challa says to them as him and Shuri do their handshake.

"I've already sent a car ahead to Busan for you." Shuri tells him as Cami interlocks her hand with her best friend "Who are you taking with you to Korea?" Shuri asked him as they walk downstairs to the lab station, "Okoye. And Nakia as well." T'challa tells her as Shuri and Cami looks at each other with a knowing look before looking back at T'challa.

"You sure it's a good idea to take your ex on a mission?" Cami says to him as they walk at the end of the stairs walking into the lab station "Yes." T'challa says to her as Shuri looks at him in an unsure manner.

"We'll be fine. Besides, you and Cami will be in call should we need backup." T'challa tells the girl "Yes!" The girls say in unison as they continue walking to where Shuri was taking them, "I have great things to show you, Brother." Shuri tells him as they walk towards the communication devices Shuri had told Cami  about.

"Here are your communication devices for Korea." Shuri says to him as she closes the container as T'challa picks it up while Cami continues to hold on the Shuri's arm following her. "Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance system." Shuri tells him as they walk over to the device she made for him.

"Check these out." Shuri says as she picks up the device while Cami was checking the time on her watch "Remote access Kimoyo Beads. Updated to interface directly with my sand table." Shuri says to T'challa.

"Ah. And what are these?" T'challa asks walking towards another device Shuri made as Shuri looks at cami then his shoes "The real question is what are those?" Shuri shouts to T'challa as Cami burst out laughing as Shuri's outburst.

"Seriously T'challa you really need to step up your shoe game my guy" Cami says to him as she finishes laughing while leaning on Shuri, "Why do you have your toes out in my lab" Shuri says to him as Cami takes out her headphones from her bag as she puts them on playing music but low so she can still hear Shuri and T'challa.

"What, you guys don't like my royal sandals?" T'challa asks the two girls as he places his foot on the stool "I wanted to go old school for my first day." T'challa says to them "Yeah you went really old school T'challa" Cami says as Shuri nods in agreement, "I bet the elders loved that." Shuri says to him as Cami grabs these shoe like print, that she had originally made with Shuri who actually helped her make it.

"Here try these on" Cami said to him as she places them down as T'challa takes off his sandals putting on the shoe print as it starts forming as shoes, "Fully automated. Like the old American movie Baba used to watch." Shuri says to him explaining the automatic shoes.

"And Cami made them completely sound absorbent." Shuri says placing her arm around Cami's shoulder pulling her close to her as Cami blushes from being close to Shuri while T'challa starts stomping his foot not hearing any sound, "Interesting." T'challa says to himself.

"Guess what I call them." Shuri says to him smiling "Sneakers. Cami gave me that idea and I thought it was a pretty cool name for them" Shuri says to him as T'challa looks at her in disbelief as Cami looks at Shuri in disbelief that she just said that.

"Because you... Nevermind." Shuri says to him walking away as Cami follows her "If you're going to take on Klaue... You'll need the best design group has to offer." Shuri says as they walk over to where T'challa's suits are.

"Exhibit A." Shuri says to him as Cami sits down on shuri's desk careful not to knock anything down "My design" T'challa said looking at his suit, "Old tech" Shuri says to him.

I WANNA BE YOURS, Shuri udaku Where stories live. Discover now