What Could Go Wrong?? 🤷

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(812 words)
It was the last day of school, and everybody was glad it was finally over. You could tell about all of the people hooting and hollering as they make their way out the doors.
Since it's summer, I'll probably spind most of my time at the beach, swimming the drive-ins and maybe some parties here and there a little bummed school is over though don't get me wrong. I hate school but I only really like going so I can hang out with Sandy and soda and also because I get to see Steve.

Him for a little bit, and since school is finally over this is a perfect opportunity to ask him if he would like to go out sometime to like the movies or just to hang out. I mean what's the worse could happen if he says no then we could have a whole entire summer to forget about it. I guess I'll shoot my shot.


Since school is over, I went home, I live on the west side with the greasers, but I sorta live in middle class you know? As soon as I got home I put my bag up I didn't want to do much to waste time so once I had put my bag up, I went to go touch up my hair. I was trying to look good for him. I really didn't see a reason. Am I trying too hard?

I just left on what I had from school, a baggy pair of cute pants and a tight sweater that was navy blue with my white Converse. I grabbed some money and put it in my front pocket and got my keys for the house, my parents don't get home till late around 9 to 10 PM.

Headed to the DX or Steve works and so as well the walk was about a mile but I didn't mind soda was working outside. I wonder where Steve is I questioned myself me and soda are kind of buddies. I used to hang out with him and Sandy for quite some time. They're pretty fun to hang out with.
" hey soda, how have you been?" I asked up to soda working on a car outside. " hey Gracie! I'm doing good how about you?" he slid from underneath the car. " Oh, I'm doing all right." I smiled. " I'll catch you later?" he nodded and proceeded to go back underneath the car to finish working. I started to walk inside of the doors. I only have one reason to be here and that was to see Steve.

Steve was up at the cash register, playing with toothpicks until he noticed me I didn't think he knew me to be honest. " hey there! Gracie isn't it?" he asked, but he was too focused on the toothpicks to look at me for too long. as I walked up towards the register. I thought to myself he knew my name since when it does a boy like him even know my name? But I'm quickly brushed it off. " Hey Steve? Are you busy later?" I asked try not to make contact to his eyes. He was still concentrated on his toothpick tower thing he was making. "not really my buddies are going to the drive-in." I knew his buddies it was his. I was in the same Steve and seen them around a lot plus soda told me about them but before anything else was said soda walked in. " what are y'all up to?" he wiping his hands-he had oil all over him. " Nothing, I was just telling Gracie here about the movies later tonight" When Steve had said that his tower of toothpicks fell. I'll let out a small chuckle as he quietly said shit under his breath. Soda then looked at me " oh yeah, the movies I'm going I got nothing else to do" he proceeded looked at Steve, then back at me " do you wanna come?" he asked me.
I don't have anything else to do but I was gonna ask Steve if he wanted to go out sometime but he was busy, so why not. " I guess. I got nothing else to do either." I replied. So said he wanted me to meet and come over to his place at seven. I knew who he lived. I've been over there a few times maybe but I never really met the gang just seen them. " well, I guess I'll see you guys later." I said, as I turned around and walked out the doors to head home.

The only thing I could think in my mind was that I'm going to the movies and Steve was going to be there. I wouldn't technically say we're going out but still he's gonna be there. What's it better than going out to movie to start off summer.

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