Oh snap-😳🦅

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After steve had kissed me again and asked me out we headed back to the Curtis house.
We were holding hands and walking together on the sidewalk. All i was thinking about was steve nothing else crossed my mind.

We didn't even realized that we were waking up to the Curtis porch. We were too busy talking the whole time to even know where we were. Steve opened the door with out a thought. And we both totally forgot about the gang being there. Oh snap. It was to late.

All their heads turned to us as he opened the door. Soda was the first to see us. He started to smile really big. I don't know why though.
"What?" i asked confused to why they were staring at us.
"Oh. about that" i said scratching the back of my head.
Two bit noticed fianlly and choked on a piece of cake he had in his mouth.

"Whats gonna on here?" soda asked, he had a smile on his face but it almost turned into a grin you know?

I let go of steve's hand and went to sit on the couch where soda was. "What's is look like to you" steve sat down next to me n soda replying to sodas question he had asked.
Soda didn't know what else to say. I guess he was too stunned to speak.
"Will y'all quite staring and go back to what y'all were doing before we walked in" i spat out.

Dally and johnny were still looking at me and steve but everyone else that was there had went back to whatever the heck they were doin. Until dally made his way over to us. Great what's he want now.
"So..y'all two a thang or sum?" he bent over (Sorry... BENT OVER?)
to our level.
"Yes. now would you please go on somewhere." i sarcastically said while swooshing my hand for him to go away.
"Feisty huh?" he asked grinning
"Nope. now leave me alone" i replied as i continued to mind my own business
"Alrighty" he went back over to Johnny.
Steve leaned into my ear "Sorry bout him. He's being a jackass. He's just mad cus his gf two timed him."
I couldn't help but laugh. Dallas Winston, Got CHEATED on by SOMEONE ELSE. Now i could see him cheating but his gf cheating, man that was something.

"Hey i'll be right back" i got up and headed for the bathroom down the hall.

Steve POV:
Gracie got up to use the bathroom but as soon as she left the boy kept asking me questions. So many they could make my head spin.
"Ok now hold on. Y'all are dating?" Soda asked briefly.
I nodded my head "Uh yeah.."
"I seen it comin" Soda spat.
He seen it comin? What does that mean?
"Huh? How?" i asked confused as i'll ever be.
He gave me a 'your an idiot' look before saying "i mean yall randomly ran off somewhere today and y'all went out to the dingo. Plus i just knew it" he shrugged his shoulders at me.
"What ever you say man" i remarked

Two bit was sure intrigued.
"Did y'all, you know?.." he asked sipping from a beer.
"Two bit. really? that's what you want to know." i asked with a little bit of anger. I can't be that's all he cared about.
"What did yall actually do?" soda whispered to me.
"We went out to eat. came back here then left somewhere else and kissed..then i asked her out." i whispered back.
"Wait y'all kissed today. Before y'all walked in?" he asked whispering again.
"Yes but, we kissed yesterday too. After the movies when i dropped her off." i finished telling him and i leaned back on the couch waiting for gracie.
"WHAT!...oops sorry" soda exclaimed.
I just shook my head with my bad over my four head.
We kept chatting until Gracie came back and sat next to me.

Back To Gracie 😜
I sat back down after i finished using the bathroom. They weren't staring anymore. Thank God!
I sat back down in between soda and Steve. "Why didn't you tell me y'all kissed?" soda whispered into my ear.  I turned him shocked, " where did you hear that from?" I simply asked him.  He moved forward and looked over at Steve and then back at me.  " you told him?" I asked Steve.  He noted his head yes. It's OK they're gonna find out sooner you know.
"Yeah we did" i said before i turned back to the tv.

I sat there for what felt like hours watching TV. Mickey Mouse was on TV and I just watched it because that's all they had turned on. I was starting to get real sleepy.  I could tell out my eyes started to close, and I started to  fall over on steve.
All I could remember was me falling asleep with my head on his shoulder. What can I say it was comfortable.

            Back to steve again:

Gracie had fallen asleep on my shoulder.
"Pony go get a blanket or sum" i demanded him. I didn't want her to get cold and wanted her to feel cozy.
"Awww lovebirds. Look like someone's asleep" i heard Two bit joke.
"Nah shit, she's asleep ain't she." i replied to two bits remark. "Dumbass" i mumbled under my breath.
Pony came back with a blanket. I unfold it and gently laid gracie's head on my lay while i covered her up with a blanket. Golly she was Gorgeous when she slept.

"Since when did you get like this with girls?" Dally asked taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I dont know. It doesn't matter to you anyways" I said looking at gracie's restless body laying there.

Gracie was still asleep in my lap and it was getting late. I slowly got up and picked her up bridal style.
"Open the door would ya?" i asked Soda as i walked to the door.
"Were you heading?" he asked.
"Imma take her home" i plainly said.
"See y'all later" soda said while closing the door behind me.

I drove to gracie's house. She didn't live too far away. It was only about 2 miles away.

I pulled up into the parking space in the front of the house.
I knocked on the door when a woman opened it. I think it was gracie's mom, not sure.
"She fell asleep, i didn't wanna wake her up" i had gracie wrapped up in my arms. "Can i come in?" i asked. "Yes of course" she politely opened the door.
"Her rooms up stairs last one to the left" she instructed me.
I carefully and quietly went up stairs trying not to be loud or wake gracie.

Her room was pretty. It had pictures of her and friends on the wall along with posters and what not. I pulled the bed sheets aside so I could get her underneath them.  I gently quietly laid her down on her bed as covered her up "goodnight sweetie" I said, before starting to walk away. Once I turned, I felt something grabbed my arm. It was Gracie. "Stay.." i heard her say.
"What'd you say?" i turned around.
"Come lay down" she pulled me towards her.
"Ok" i simply said before i took my shoes off and lifted up the blanket. i laid down next to her. She turned to face me before she dug her head in my neck with her arms around me. I didn't mind it.
"Goodnight...." she mumbled "i love you" she then said.
"I love you too" i smiled, hugging her even tighter than i was before.


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