Summer Nights 😜

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(933 words😍)

We made it to the dingo, and once we did, Steve hopped out as fast as he could, and went over to open my door. I thought it was very kind of him to open the door for me. He then held the door to the dingo entrance open for me  (so preppy😜)

A waiter came up to introduce us to her, and to set us in at a two seater booth. She also gave us our silverware and a menu a piece. " what would you like to drink?" she was chewing gum, and it sounded annoying.
" I'll take a Pepsi" Steve told her as she wrote it in her notepad
" me too" I soon said after.
" all right I'll go get those and I'll be right back" she then left to go get her drinks and to finish waiting other people I guess.
" OK so tell me why did you actually want to hang out?" I asked Steve. Looking into his lit eyes glowing from the light of the dingo (cringe😭)

" I don't know man you just seem good, and sometimes you need a little good in your life, you know?" he said. "You're real cute, y'know that?" He added , keeping his eyes on mine.
"Oh come on, quit playing. You're just saying that to be nice."
I laughed and blushed, which caused Steve to grin and look away for a few seconds.
He turned back to look at me "Hey I'm just speaking facts" he smiled at me, putting his hands up.

"Yeah alright"

The waiter finally had came back from getting our drinks that we ordered a while ago.
She set our drinks down on the table and got her notepad so she could write down our order.
"What would you like miss?" she asked me.
"Umm... I'll take the Chicken Basket Thing" I shut the menu sliding it towards her.
"And what about you mister?" she turned to steve.
"Ummm... I'll take the same as her" he slid the menu aswell.
"Alright i'll be right back with that" and then she left.

Steve tried to start another convo.
"Do you like cake?" he squinted his eyes at me, as he pointed.
"Umm.. Yes duh who doesn't?" i said sarcastically.
"Chocolate or White?" he squinted harder "it's important"
"Um..Chocolate ofc. I'll only eat that" I started laughing at his choice of questions.
"Good. good" he stopped squinting.

"What about cars?" he then asked "Know anything about them?"
I know a bit about cars from my dad but not that much to be honest. i never really hung around him a lot to know anymore.
"I know a bit about them. My dad taught me something here and there about them" I explained.

"I guess I'll have to teach ya wont i?" he said, smiling at me.
"I guess you will" i smiled.

not too long the waiter came back and gave us our food. " y'all enjoy let me know if y'all need anything else." she said once she sat our plates down.
"Alright and thank you" i smiled at her. Then she went off to her other customers.

"This looks delicious" Steve said digging into his food.
"I can't tell" i stated laughing pointing at his face. He had hand fouls of fries and such shoving them in his mouth.
"My bad" he mumbles wiping his mouth off
"It's ok, i don't mind" i took a bit outta my chicken 🍗

We sat there, talking about cars and cake, and all kinds of fun things about the gang for about an hour until we realized it was getting late we needed to head home. Steve offered to drive me home so I wouldn't have to walk from the DX. and obviously I agreed to him taking me home. I don't wanna walk out in the road where I'll get jumped anyways.

I told him my address, and we started driving there.
"Hey Steve?....i had a good time with you tn" i turned to him.
He glanced his eyes at me from off the road "i did to, we'll have to do that again some time" he smiled at me
"Maybe" i chuckled.
Before i knew it we had arrived at my house. He got out and ran over to my side to open the door for me. As we walked up to the porch, i said "drive home safe. ok?"
"ok" he replied. He started to walk back into the car, but before he could i stopped him.
"Wait!" i shouted as i ran up to him. But before he could get a word out of his mouth i planted my lips on his, giving him a kiss.  he didn't back out of it, we kissed for a bit until i pulled back.
"See you tomorrow?" i asked
"Yes" he panted
I then opened my house door and waved goodbye as i walked in and he left driving off into the darkness of the night

I can't believe i just kissed steve. STEVE RANDLE. So many thoughts crosses my mind.

I instantly ran upstairs and went to go change into my pajama pants with a crop top, and put my hair up. Then went into the bathroom and washed my face off, and then went back to my bed to lay down for the night.  It was hard to fall asleep. All I could think about was Steve. After it felt like forever of thinking about him I finally gave in and fell asleep.

Oh, what a summer night.


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