"Perfect" 😱😍😆

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(1156 words)

Once i had got home, I just watched TV for a bit. Man and the time really did go by next thing I knew it was 635. I ran upstairs so I could do some touchups I guess. I was just gonna fix my hair and put on a little bit of mascara. I'm gonna leave on the outfit I had on I don't have a reason to change.

by the time I touched up my hair Ran back downstairs and slipped all my shoes It was about 645 to 650 I needed to start heading over to the Curtis's house. It was about five minutes away. Not that far.

I walked up to the front porch up the stairs and knocked on the front door . Soda pops, older brother darry open the door. " is soda here?" I asked. He opened the door motion for me to come in. "yeah" I heard him say as he shut the door behind me. I've only been here a few times so I wasn't properly introduced to the gang but it's ok. I know Soda, Steve, Darry and I've heard about pony, but never really met him.  When I walked in, I saw a boy sitting on the floor, eating cake with Steve one sitting on the chair, looking over at me, and I seen pony sitting with another boy on the couch and I didn't even know where soda was. 

I walked over to Steve, and sat down beside him. I whispered to him "So who is who?" i asked him. He looked over at me and started pointing his fingers everyone
"that one over there, on the chair, is dally, watch out for him. That right there is Johnny sitting with pony. And this is two-bit" he explained. "Oh ok" i whispered back to him. "Where's soda?" i asked out loud. I heard a voice yell "In here" he was in the kitchen. I got up and walked into the kitchen. "hey soda! Ready to go?" I looked around at my surroundings. " I am, but I gotta ask the rest of em" he than yelled out "Y'all ready to head out?" Everybody that was in the living room. They all yelled at the same time, yes. Soda than walked from the kitchen into the living room
And I followed him from behind. Everybody else just followed too. We were all walking together in a big huddle. Which I didn't mind I just walked next to soda.  Two bit pony, and Johnny were in the back, laughing their butts off for some odd reason. I guess Steve and Dally were behind us, I assumed.

"Thanks for inviting me" i kicked a rock around. "No problem" Soda said. One of the boys came up from behind me and went over to my side. "Whatcha doing comin with us to the movies?" he asked. He had a cigarette in his mouth and a grin too. "Dally.. Cut it out" soda gave him a warning kinda look. I turned to Dally i think his name was. "Soda invited me" i replied to his question he had asked. "What oh really?" dally had a no good grin. "Dally. don't even think about it" Soda then said. "alright!" Dally then slowed down and went back to walking with steve behind us again.

"What's up with him?" i asked while turning around to look at dally. "He's just like that. Once you get to know him he's real cool" he said in a whisper loud enough for only me to hear.
I nodded and we continued to walk to the movies.

we all sat down towards the middle of the rows. I didn't know who to sit by so i sat next to soda.
Surely not Dally had took the seat next to me. There was something that seemed off about Dally i didn't like. I didn't know why, i just did. (sorry if you like dally!)
I was siting in between soda and dally while steve was on the other side of dally with pony, two-bit, and johnny.
"I'm gonna get some popcorn y'all want anything?" i asked the gang getting up. They all wanted a
coke wand popcorn. "One of y'all help?" i asked. I noticed Soda look at a steve. "yeah i will" steve got up and headed to the stand with me.
The lines weren't that long like normal. We were waiting in line for our turn. "Well well we'll. what do we got here" i heard a voice from behind" Steve and i turned around to see a Soc. It was this Zach Kid from school. One of the 'Socs' of them all. he's a real dickhead. "What do you want" steve spat. I moved back behind steve's shoulder. Zach's middle names was basically trouble. Zach looked at me "what's a girl like you hanging with this trash? Why don't you come with me" He reached to grab my arm but steve stopped him. "Don't touch her. She ain't going with you either" he hissed. "Go on somewhere. i'm warning ya My whole gangs here" Steve threatened to Zach. "pffft what ever" he mumbled walking away. "Thanks" i said still behind him.
"No problem" he smiled. We go the drinks and popcorn and i paid. "you busy tomorrow?" steve had asked. Wait. did steve randle just ask me if i was busy? "Nah. prolly gonna stay home or sm" i replied trying not to drop the cokes in my hand. I could tell steve was thinking of something to say. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asked with an unsure tone. I looked to him "sure why not" i shrugged my shoulders m, smiling at steve trying not to blush.

We sat back down in our seats. I handed everyone their food. Soda, pony and steve said thanks while Two and Dally just ate the food not a word outta them.

We continued to watch the movie but after 20-30 mintues dally was getting on my nerves. like literally.  "Dally could you do me a favor" i asked. "What kind of favor doll?" he grinned. "stand up real quick" he stood up and i moved him back down the row pass steve. "Alrighty and steve you get up!" i moved steve into what was once dallys chair. "You sit here and dally sit here" Dally wasn't to stoked about me moving him but what can i say he was gettin annoying. Dally was pissed but i didn't care. He got over it quickly though once he seen a girl to pick on.
"Why'd you move me n Dally?" steve asked. I turned to him and plainly said "Well he was bothering me and i'd rather sit by you." i smiled.
I could tell steve was blushing, but i didn't think too much of it.
"hey about tomorrow..meet at the DX at 1pm?" i smiled "that would be perfect"

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