❤️needed Warmth ❤️P:1. (Fluff/angst)

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(Hello! Hope you enjoy, no smut or anything- these can range from longer stories, or short little clipped stories, if you have ideas I wouldn't mind trying figuring out something and adding it in!.
Hope you enjoy!)
Modern Au
Zoro noticed luffy often came over as much as he could, they had always been close, but recently luffy had been coming to spend the night more and more.
Zoro was laying on his bed scrolling through his phone until he heard a knock on the door, he checked the clock- 11:26.
It was almost midnight- it's raining as well, who in their right mind would be up so late?
Was all zoro thought before getting up and walking over to the door unlocking the few locks.
Once the door opened zoro noticed a familiar ravan haired male, his hair stuck to his face as he was drenched in rain, he had pirate pajamas on and his pillow in his hand.
Zoro was stunned to see this and quickly let the smaller male inside, he hurried to get him a towel and find him spare pajamas to wear.
Luffy had a pouty look on his face as he reluctantly showered and changed into the new pajamas, these where pirate ship pajamas, luffy was happy to see it, zoro always seemed to notice the things he loved.
Zoro gestured luffy over to sit down.
Zoro:are you insane? What are you doing here so late? And in the rain! In pajamas!
Zoro sighed as luffy lay his head in zoro lap while zoro just messed with his hair.
Luffy:well...I- wanted to see you- and my house gets cold!
Zoro just sighed and smiled.
Zoro:fine- you can spend the night, but next time take a cab or something! You're gonna end up sick!
Luffy smile returned brightly as he nodded before snuggling up closer, this happened often- one time luffy had fallen asleep on zoro shoulder once during school.
Zoro had grown to not mind this behavior and even found it refreshing since it served to show him just how comfortable luffy seemed to be around him.

/small time skip, about a week later/
Zoro thought about what luffy had said that night, his house was cold- zoro supposed he could try and help.
Zoro had been out in town buying some groceries for the house.
He stumbled on past a window noticing something on display.
Zoro entered the small shop heading right for the shelf.
Zoro:this is perfect!
He smiled and mumbled as he hurried to get the item and head home.

/the gift/
The week passed as summer break was already halfway through, luffy had stopped by again on a random night.
Zoro smiled and got the small wrapped box out.
Zoro:open it! It's a gift!
Luffy smiled brightly as he hurried to open the box, the ripped through the wrapper and examined the box.
Heating blanket, luffy was confused and gave zoro a perplexed look.
Zoro:you said your house was cold- that's why you kept coming to my house right? So I got you it so you can get all warmed up!
Zoro smiled.
Luffy eyes and expression remained blank as he just staring at it silently before slapping on his bright smile and nodding happily.

/another few days or so later/
Zoro had not seen luffy in a while, but recently when he did see him around luffy seemed restless or lacking his usual aura.
Zoro had begin to worry, so he decided to go over to give luffy a quick visit.
Zoro stepped to the door, the house was simple, an odd gray on the outside, the windows covered with curtains, no cars outside, small hand prints painted into the old house.
Zoro smiled examining all the small stuff around the house, he knew luffy had grew up here with his two older brothers and the woman they called their caretaker, he couldn't help but smile at the idea of a tiny beady eyed luffy running around giddy and happy as they caused mischief and chaos.
Zoro walked up the steps to the door giving it a small knock, he heard movement before the door cracked open, a sleepy eyed luffy peaked through the crack before the door quickly closed.
Zoro was beyond worried and confused as he listened to rushed frantic movement rumbling around inside the house.
A good 5 minutes had passed before the door flung open, luffy came out jumping and clinging to zoro, nuzzling his chest.
Zoro smiled and ruffled his hair.
Luffy:jerk!! Warn me next time before just showing up!! I wasn't ready!
Zoro just laughed and gave luffy a smirk.
Zoro:but you do the same thing to me?
Luffy only grumbled and let go as he let zoro into the house.
Zoro couldn't help but feel how warm the house was, a heater had been on it seem, zoro couldn't help but feel confused as he looked around before returning his attention to luffy.
Luffy:why are you here?
Zoro thought for a moment before speaking.
Zoro:well- I couldn't help but notice, you seem much more tired lately, I just wanted to see if everything's ok?
Luffy just nodded quickly and smiled again.
Luffy:yep! Everything's fine! You thirst! I can get you some water!! Or tea!
Zoro:it's alright I'm good-
Luffy:no no I insist! I'll be back!!
He quickly got up and rushed to the kitchen without another word.
Zoro felt more worried, after a moment zoro got up and decided to look around the house, maybe it would help?
Zoro looked around the house, the bookshelf littered in books, small fire carvings, and figurines.
He noticed a small stand where a guitar should be, a stack of movies that seemed untouched, empty water glasses sitting on the coffee table.
Zoro frowned and walked down the halls, he came to a door, it had a small fire mark carved into it, he gently clicked the door open peeking inside.
The walls had nothing on it, the bed empty and only sheets remaining, small pieces of papers on the floor near a small trashcan at an empty desk that held an old lamp.
He entered the room, near the door frame was small lines, measuring heights, it ranged from small to larger as it went up the frame.
Small handprints painted onto the walls in a corner of the room.
The walls having small drawings of a Phoenix and small letters carved into the walls spelling "ASL", small papers with lyrics and music notes littered around the room.
Zoro stepped out of the room and stepped further down the hallway, he noticed one with a small straw hat clip on the frame, he knew it was luffy so he decided on skipping that one for now.
He came to the next door, it had a feather carved into it, he slowly clicked it open.
As he stepped inside he noticed a small neat stack of papers on a small desk.
The bed was bare and empty with only sheets just like the last.
The walls had a pirate ship flag hung on it that looked old, and just like the last room small handprints painted onto the wall with "ASL" carved beside it, and small doodles and crayon markings littering the walls and frames, old painted over drawings too dim to make out just right.
Around the frame of the doorway was more lines marking hight from small to large.
Old posters of inventors and smart stuff littering the walls.
A small stack of pooks and paper neatly on the desk along with an old ink and quill.
The ink was dry.
Small old notes jotted down on the old papers.
A book still opened to a page, zoro walked over running his hand over the book, page 247.
It was a book to study for collage prep.
Zoro looked around the empty room once more before walking out.
He came to the last room, one that has a small cigarette burn on the outside on the frame along with crayon drawings that were too dim and smudged to make out.
He opened the door, the bed was decorated well enough but seemed to have been left there untouched, dust was lightly covered on nearly everything.
The mattress fixed and untouched, he looked around the room, hair products and clothes, he dared not to look through anything.
He noticed a picture on the desk, he walked over picking it up.
Luffy, but he was a child, he stood beside 2 younger boys, a blonde boy and another raven haired boy, the blonde missing a tooth, and the ravin haired one patched up and covered in scratches, clearly roughed up.
Both boys seemed to smile just as bright as luffy, and with them- a woman, ginger hair.
She held a bright smile with a cigarette in her mouth, he held them all so close.
Now that zoro thought of it- luffy never did talk much about who raised him.
Zoro carefully set the photo down where he got it, he walked back out to the hall looking down it for a second.
Emptiness was all he could feel, it felt so- hallow, the 2 rooms empty and cleaned out, and the 3rd untouched and dusty.
The house itself seemed unbothered- like no one tried moving anything at all.
The halls felt hallow, a house he once seen as homey- a house he seen as luffy childhood, now held a curtain emptiness to it.
Zoro frowned realizing now what he failed to see earlier on.
Luffy didn't feel a coldness on the outside, but rather- he felt the coldness of the house he once called home.
The quiet empty hallowed out house, once filled with childish laughter- now only held silence.
Zoro felt stupid, he walked over to luffy room gently creaking it open.
The room was a bit messy, it was the only room that seemed to have been shifted around, the only room with anything in it that wasn't covered in dust.
Zoro never remembered luffy mentioning his brothers leaving or anything, zoro couldn't help but frown as he looked at the doorframe, small chalked and scratched lines leading from the bottom towards the top.
Hights, it was their hights, they had measured it since they where 3, beside the small old scratched in marks stood numbers.
Zoro frowned as he closed the door to luffy room and walking back over to the kitchen.
Zoro walked over to the couch sitting down, now that he looked at it, everything around the house seemed to be getting dusty, had luffy really not moved anything?
Zoro was soon snapped from his thoughts as he heard luffy enter the living room once more.

(Hola, cutting it short here- this one will be a bit of a longer one, this is part 1, if people enjoy I'll make part 2, otherwise for now- hope you enjoyed 🫶)
(1813 words)

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