Needed warmth ❤️ part 2. (Fluff/angst)

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(Heh guys, ima try and update more on this when I have ideas, if you have ideas don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks for reading!! I hope you all enjoy)
(// bars mean they are thinking)

Zoro watched as the smaller man entered the room, luffy almost seemed too happy, he tried hard to concentrate to not drop the tray he had in his hands.
Zoro got up to help him, luffy ran back and got them some food to munch on, two small cups of instant ramen, some chips, setting it all on a tray, along with some fruits and crackers.
Everything laying on this tray looked so random, almost unorganized.
Luffy started off but quickly plopping himself beside zoro, he quickly snuggled in and starts chatting and munching on the food he had gotten for the two of them.

Zoro simply smiled and nuzzled into the smaller male.
A hour had passed since zoro came over, luffy seemed so much more energetic and happy, he soon got bored and decided they should watch some tv on the large screen they had.
Zoro only nodded as he helped luffy find the remote.
Zoro soon entered the kitchen in search of the devise.
Dishes littered the sink, one half cleaned and the other dirty, the table was littered in mail and what looked like letters.
Zoro walked over picking up one of the letters reading the hand writing on it.

/from:sabo/ greetings luffy, I hope you are in good health, and hope this letter finds you well. Recently ive been informed that ace finally departed to pursue music at an academic level .
Nonetheless I wanted to inform you that we adore and cherish you regardless of distance, and hope to visit more, I'll be finished up here in the academy in about 1 or 2 years, luckily it won't be too much of a wait on your part.
Remember, we have faith in you wholeheartedly, and indeed we know how capable you are.
Although I wish we didn't have to leave you all alone in that house, because I am aware of how hard it must been for you, after being informed of dadans passing. Due to this, it would be in my interest to drop by there when possibly.
For now I tip my hat to you and bid you a goodbye.
Sincerely: Sabo🪶

(No one can convince me he don't write like this)
Zoro frowned as he read /the passing of a loved one hm?/
Zoro sighed as he glanced over the letter, the date saying it had been about a month since it was sent out.
Zoro picked out another one, on this one was a small fire emblem at the bottom along with the senders name.

Hey bro, it's been a minute since we got to talk, I gotta send this dumb message by letter because my phone decided to fuck up on me, it was Sabo's GRAND idea to send this letter.
Just wanted to say I missed you, I'll be dropping by in a few months, once im given a long enough break, simply because I don't wanna have to leave after only about a few days.
I should be getting my phone fixed soon, but I'll be needing your number again, my phone seems to have lost all my contacts along with other shit, not to mention I'll be getting a new number.
I would ask Sabo, but he's like an old man, you know how he is- never worked a phone in his life.
That's all besides the point, I hope your all good, and I wish I could be there more, what happen to dadan was- well.
Anyways! If you could just mail me the numbers of your phone, I should have my phone fixed soon!

By/Ace 🔥

Zoro couldn't help but somewhat laugh at this, the two writings seemed completely different.
Soon enough zoro's smile turned to confusion, before he quickly peaked around the corner picking up luffy's phone off the shelf.
Zoro tapped onto it and it instantly opened, zoro wasn't surprised really, luffy never did care to memorize a password so why have one at all?
Zoro clicked open the phone,going to the contact and scrolling through, no new messages from the older brother ace, odd.

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