A secret for the cook ❤️⚔️

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(This is something based off of a tiny thing my mother does for my dad, I thought it's absolutely adorable and wanna go off the idea and give a short story)

The crew had recently figured out the small relationship between the swordsman and their captain, although none seemed to mind as they found it adorable.
Once it was made public (by luffy since he SUCKS at secrets) the two had seemed to get more comfortable with being publicly affectionate.

Sanji payed it no mind, it had been like this for a year or so now, even after they had returned from their 2 years apart.
The two only seemed more inseparable, but along with this.
Sanji noticed one other thing about the swordsman.

The swordsman worked out plenty, and even sometimes pushed himself to hard, he often pushed his limits, and when said looks at it, he could only thing "well, he will be tired, maybe it's best to give him a bit more to eat to keep his energy up"
And yet despite giving zoro a tiny bit more food when he was more tired, the swordsman only seemed to eat LESS then normal.

This had bothered sanji for a while, although he never told zoro he would give him more food, he had hoped to keep zoro eating plenty so he didn't worry about his health.
Sanji had to admit he didn't really like zoro, but would acknowledge his strength and importance to the crew.
Although he would never admit it.

Sanji had kept a close eye on the swordsman after this, it puzzled him why zoro would eat even less food now, it even worried him the tiniest bit.
That was until he had noticed the swordsman whispering to the captain.

After he would whisper, the captain would simply smile happily and snatch up the rest of zoro plate finishing off whatever was left of it.

After what seemed like days of this he couldn't stand not knowing so he decided on confronting the swordsman.

Sanji had finally found the perfect time, when he heard zoro would be on watch that night, sanji had waited until everyone set off to sleep or to the rooms before climbing up the tower to find the swordsman.

Once sanji had reached the top he knocked lightly on the door.
Zoro:come in
He heard the green moss headed idiot call out before he turned the knob and walked in closing the door and sitting down across from the man.
Zoro opened his eye as he looked over noticing it was sanji.

Zoro:what do you want you damn curly brow? It's unlike you to wanna talk this late, especially to me
Sanji only scoffed and sighed before crossing a leg over another and moving a bit to make it comfortable before blowing smoke.

Sanji:you haven't been eating as much as you need to you damn overgrown weed.
Zoro only scoffs and crosses his arms leaning back more and getting comfortable.
Sanji:im serious. I might not always enjoy your company- but I do put a persons hunger over my pride, so do you wanna explain or do you want me to pester you on why.
Zoro only sighs as he looks up for a moment.

Zoro:can you- keep a small secret?
Sanji is beyond intrigued as he raises a curious eyebrow.
Sanji:yeah, fine- as much as I despise you sometimes, a promise is a promise, if I break it I'm sure you'll be pissed off and stab me or something so why not- I'm curious enough
Zoro nodded and sighed.

He leaned back a bit nuzzling into the couch more to get comfortable as his hands slid to the back of his head as he groaned.
Zoro:well- sometimes when I'm eating dinner, I notice that luffy is still hungry. So- I...pretend I'm full and can't eat anymore- so he would eat off my plate
Zoro reluctantly admitted.
Zoro face had a small tint of red as he was clearly flustered.

Sanji only smiled and laughed a bit before sighing and blowing smoke.
Zoro:I don't want him to know I'm lying- if he knows I'm still hungry, he won't eat- as much as he loves food, he's stubborn and won't eat it unless I convince him I'm full
Sanji only smiled and closed his eyes sighing.
Sanji:so you lessen your portions so he has more to eat? How sweet of you mosshead
Zoro only glares feeling more embarrassed as he swung the hilt of his sword to his sanji but sanji quickly blocked it with his leg.

Sanji:calm down! A promise is a promise, but- make sure you are getting what you need, as much as your face pisses me off, I'm a cook before I'm a member of this crew- that won't ever change.
Sanji stood as he put of his cigarette and blew the last bit of smoke as he headed for the door only glancing back.

Sanji:guess you can say this will be our secret hm?
He half laughed at it, zoro only scoffed and sighed as he went back to watch out, sanji headed right to bed as his job was done.
And yet sanji found himself laughing a bit at the idea of how soft zoro had become for luffy, and how luffy had yet to notice.

(Hope you enjoy this update!!!)

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