💚🗡️A smile for him👒❤️ (Fluff)

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(Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying these stories, don't be afraid to give ideas or recommendations, I hope you've been happy with what I write, I'll be updating other stories soon as well!
Hope you are having a good day/night)

Luffy sat on the deck of the ship, the crew was just as lively as any other day, Luffy enjoyed having them all back after so long.
Ace's death had hit Luffy hard, but he did not spare much more time hanging his head low, instead he had to collect himself and grow stronger, so he would be able to protect those he loves.

Luffy found himself surrounded by those he loved and by the people who loved him in return, this brought back a real smile that seemed to be so fragile since the incident.
Luffy adored that the crew had continued on with one another like nothing had happened.
They had all arrived on the ship, now on their way down to fish man island.
Everyone seemed as cheerful and in a great mood that day.
All but one, zoro had seemed- different.
When Luffy first met the swordsman, he noticed how he always seemed to smile, how he laughed much easier, and how his emotions expressed themselves freely on his face, showing what he was feeling.

Luffy couldn't read the swordsman, zoro had seemed to have lost an eye, even if Luffy did pear into those eyes, it wasn't the same ones he had looked into that first time in that marine base, not the same swordsman.
Luffy wondered why, what had happened, zoro's smile seemed to show even less, his expression always blank or threatening, his arms always crossed over his chest, he seemed so closed off from those around.

The once cheerful and expressive swordsman, now had looked- older, and much more serious.
Luffy missed that smile he had seemed to swoon over.
Luffy did what he could to bring a smile to the man's face, but to not make it obvious, he often did it when others were also around, earning a smile from all the crew.
Other than zoro, no matter what tricks or jokes Luffy pulled nothing seemed to have much effect.
Luffy worried for the swordsman, always wondered what he could possibly be thinking of at those moments.

Luffy however was much calmer about it since it seemed to be the only think off about the swordsman, zoro was himself otherwise, still loving booze, falling asleep randomly on the deck.
Luffy had realized over those two years just how much he missed everyone, but especially his swordsman.
Luffy often stayed up at nights, plagued by nightmares, to avoid those terrible memories, he thought of the swordsman.
The man's smile, his laugh, the small touches, the words he spoke, the way he would always carry himself, since he always knew his worth.

Luffy couldn't help but feel a bit flustered as he sighed and stood walking off to sit on his usual spot, right on the sunny head.
Luffy plopped down in his spot as he watched the horizon, listening to the breeze, the way the waves gently splashed against the boat, giving it a gentle rocking motion.

Luffy was often thought to be dumb, often people think he doesn't know anything, it's not that he's dumb, he just chooses to not care.
What is the point of planning things? Fallowing rules and regulations? That's not how freedom works.
Luffy had always believed whatever happens, happens.
Even after his brothers death, despite the pain, the agony, the nightmares that fallowed.
He understood there was no return, no way back.
He could never change what's already happened, so he tried to not dwell on it.
Yet, here he was, dwelling on his swordsman.
Luffy leaned his head on his head as he thought hard, flipping through memories and moments, avoiding the ones he wished he could block out of his mind.
Luffy always adored the swordsman, in fact, luffy knew in a sense it was love.
Luffy knew  bit about love, and from what he could tell, he loved zoro.
Maybe that's why he had worried for the man so much.

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