2 heart in 1 👒❤️💚⚔️ P:1 (Fluff)

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(This is a idea given to me by my cousins story)

The straw hats had all been enjoying the cool air and sunny days, they would eventually reach the grand line, the crew was small but they all felt prepared to fallow luffy wherever he chose to go, nobody embodied this statement more than luffy's right hand man zoro.
Zoro and luffy from the start had always seemed so close to one another, zoro had remained at luffy side for a long time, the rest of the crew never seen him leave luffy side unless he needed too.
Due to sanji joining the crew, luffy began noticing some things, like the way sanji gave the girls looks, and how brighter his smile seemed when he was around nami and robin, luffy noticed the small gleam in sanji eyes when he spoke to the ladies.
Luffy often wandered what these looks meant, what was that little spark that seemed to flicker in the cooks eyes?
Luffy had gotten too curious, so he went to ask nami, nami could only laugh and smile, nami then explained.
Nami:well- when people smile brighter, and wanna spend more and more time with you- or look at you in a different way, it could mean they like you
Luffy gave a curious but confused look listening more as he sat cross legged beside nami.
Luffy: what does that mean- "like someone" do you mean- like friends?
Nami smile and glanced at robin who also gave a small laugh as she entered the conversation
Robin:well luffy- there is many kinds of "likes" some likes are stronger than others, for instance- I like to read books, that just means I enjoy books, but the sort of "like" we are talking about- is a love kind of "like"
Luffy seemed even more perplexed by the word as he listened, giving another confused head tilt showing his confusion but interest to the words.
Nami smiled and nodded
Nami:yes! For instance, you "love" food! That means you really really like good! For sanji- he loves us, and he loves this crew! That means he really really loves us! And loves the crew!
Luffy eyes brighten as his smile brightened and he nodded.
Luffy:oh!! I get it!! So love is when you really- REALLY like something?
Nami gave a half nod before looking at robin
Robin:well- there is different kinds of loves
Luffy gave another confused look but scoot closer showing his interest.
Robin: for instance, sanji "loves" nami- but this "love" is a different kind of love- not just a "like"
Luffy looked confused once more as he tilted his head
Nami:sanji has what's called- a "crush"
Luffy gave a confused grin as he raised an eyebrow.
Luffy:so- sanji wants to crush nami?
Nami and robin couldn't help but turn to one another and begin to laugh, when they calmed down they turned to luffy with bright smiles
Nami:no no- this kind of "crush" is different then the crushing you know, when you have a "crush" on someone, it means you are "in love" with them
Luffy nodded confused but listened
Luffy:in love????
Robin sighed and smiled.
Robin:maybe it's best you ask sanji about it, I'm sure he would know much more!
Luffy quickly nodded and rushed off quickly to find the cook

(Small time skip when he finally found sanji)
Luffy skipped into the kitchen stretching himself to fling himself across the kitchen and closer to the cook.
Sanji stood in the kitchen cooking and preparing food before glancing at the captain and smiling slightly as he blew a puff from his cigarette.
Sanji:hungry? Or do you need something?
Luffy shook his head and looked down at his hands before looking back up at the cook, he sat down and lay his head in his hands.
Luffy:what does it mean to have a crush? What love?
Sanji was caught off guard by the question but smiled and gave a small laugh before turning the stove off and turning to luffy.
Sanji sighed blowing a puff of smoke as he stared up at the ceiling.
Sanji:when you love someone- or have a crush on them, you feel- curtain things
Luffy listened intently his little beady eyes gleaming at the cook who seemed to stair off.
Sanji smiled and closed his eyes thinking.
Sanji: well- when you really love someone, you wanna be close to them, you wanna hug them- hold them, you wanna just. Be by their side, when you love someone you just want them around you, you get this feeling in your stomach- like you ate butterflies.
Luffy laughed at this and smiled brighter.
Sanji nodded
Sanji:you'll feel your face heat up when they complement you or touch you, you'll crave their attention, you can't help but wanna just- stair into their eyes, the person you love will seem like the most beautiful, most amazing person you could ever imagine. You'll feel yourself falling deeply in love with them- you'll never be able to imagine a world without them- that's how you know your in love
Sanji smiled and blew the last bit of his cigarette smoke.
Luffy eyes were a bit wide as he seemed lost in thought.
Sanji:why do you ask? You got someone in mind?
Luffy face became red as a curtain swordsman appeared in his head, luffy felt his heart race as he realized what the feeling finally was, but could it really be?- no. Maybe not.
Luffy brushed it away and smiled brightly snapping away from his thoughts.
Luffy:no- I don't think so..
Sanji smiled and gave luffy a look showing he didn't believe the captains word on that.
Sanji:mhmmm whatever you say captain

(Small time-skip, it has been over a week since)
/no one's pov/
Luffy had seemed lost in thoughts the past week,
He stopped paying much mind to everything or everyone around him, he ate less food then usual (he stopped stealing people's food lol that's all)
The crew begin to get just a tad bit worried but didn't mind it otherwise, well- except zoro.
Zoro noticed the odd behavior and couldn't help but worry for his captain.
Luffy sat on the deck wondering about it all, he needed to know- was this feeling really what everyone had described it to be?
Luffy's patience finally snapped as he stood quickly and ran over to where he could find zoro.
Zoro was lifting his weights, as usual- lost in thought as he kept his eyes closed.
Luffy eyes gleamed as he pondered on approaching the man, luffy felt his face become just a bit hot but he quickly pushed it down and stomped over to the swordsman.
Luffy reached out tapping the man's shoulder to get his attention.
He snapped from his thoughts as he turned to his captain now paying attention.
Luffy had a pouting face as he opened his arms wide.
He demanded randomly, zoro looked beyond perplexed as he looked down at the shorter male.
Luffy pouted more waving his hands slightly.
Luffy:hug me!..please!
Luffy said feeling his face heat again, luffy heart was racing a bit, he needed to test this and test it now! He couldn't wait.
Zoro remained confused but nodded as he listened to the captains demands.
Luffy smaller arms wrapped around the swordsman as he leaned into the man's larger arms as he was engulfed in a hug.
Luffy heart raced, his stomach feeling weird as his face became hot, he closed his eyes leaning into the man's chest, luffy felt his heart beat faster as he heard the swordsman's beating heart, it was so gentle and slow.
Luffy wished his heart matched the swordsman's heartbeat, to be one- he thought.
Luffy nuzzles his head closer, zoro remained confused but didn't seem to mind, he soon attempted to break the hug but luffy quickly clung closer.
Luffy knew now what it all was, he understood, he wanted to stay this way, even if it was for a little bit longer.

/passing weeks/
:no one's pov:

The crew had noticed the captains change, his random burst of energy, how he would randomly rush off to find zoro.
Luffy always seemed to need the same thing, he would approach zoro, open his arms, and stuff his face into the man's chest as he wrapped his thin arms around the larger male.
Zoro had seemed to get use to this, so when luffy approached he already knew what the captain wanted.
Regardless luffy seemed more and more clingy, it had become more and more often and the crew seemed to pick it up.
Zoro had grown confused but didn't seem to question it.
Luffy grew impatient, and one late night ended up at sanji's room, he knocked and listened before walking in when he was told he could enter.
Luffy quickly entered going over to the bed and sitting down.
Sanji:something wrong captain?
Luffy pouted and nodded
Luffy:how do I get him to love me to?!
Sanji was caught off guard and gave a eyebrow raise
Sanji:who exactly?????
Luffy pouted and his face grew red
Luffy:zoro!! How- how do I know if he loves me too!!!..
Sanji eyes widen before he let out a snort, he quickly cleared his throat choking back a laugh
💭sanji:of all people the captain could've chosen to love- it was that idiot mosshead, he would never notice- that idiot
Sanji sighed and smiled sitting back on his bed.
Sanji:well- you can't really "make" someone love you- and you sometimes can't tell if they do- but you can always test it
Luffy scoot closer giving a nod listening intently.
Sanji:you can stop showing him attention- it'll be hard since you wanna be around him, but he might notice the change- and if he likes you he might approach you about it
Luffy frowned at the idea of not getting his daily affection but understood why.
Sanji:you can even take it a step further- well, that's if you wanna REALLY know
Luffy eyes brighten as he smiled and nodded curious at the idea
Sanji: here's what you can do!
Sanji leaned forward whispering something into the captains ear.

(Lmao cliffhanger because this is already long as HELL, if a part 2 is needed then I'll make one 🤷 that's if y'all want it, hope y'all enjoyed)
(1736 words)

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