We did it captain❤️A new vow ⚔️. (Angst)

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(This takes place in WAY in the future)

The crew cheered in unison, all had seems to have reached their goals, their smiles bright and warm, their hearts full but sad.
Robin sad on the edge of the sunny looking out at the sea, everyone sat around, franky and ussop chatting away with the rest of the crew.
Nami talked with robin, her maps of the world set beside her.
All had gotten much older, sanji even had his hair grown out.
As intended- they had all done it.
Robin sat there, knowing of what she needed, the history of her people and of the world rested on her mind forever now tucked away to the back of her thoughts as she focused on here and now.
Brook sat polishing his violin, everyone's smiles seemed- fragile.
They had finally scaled over the grand lines and red seas, they had done it- they reached the others side, all much older, much more knowledge held with them.
Sanji sat smoking a cigarette as he looked up at the sky, his eyes now and again glancing over to the swordsman.
Ah yes, the swordsman.
He sat separate from the rest, standing at the highest deck, leaning against the rail, swords at his side, he watched as the water rushed by.
The gentle sways of the wind and sea that seemed to constantly rock the boat.
The days had all seemed to blur into one, they would all be home soon.
What then?
Zoro sat alone leaning against the edge watching the blue waves crash gently against the sunny, the boat that had dragged their dumb asses through the treachery of those seas since water 7.
Zoro couldn't help but smile, holding out a hand to feel the wind brushing against it.
His smile somber, almost broken.
The rest sitting on deck chatting away, they had all awaited this day.
Brook would soon meet laboon and his dream could finally come to a close as he could finally do what he had always wanted.
Zoro didn't care, he had his dream, he held his name at the highest, he had fought Mihawk, he clashed blades.
Zoro had won, he had finally reached the top.
And yet- he felt so alone.
He held the swords he wielded out over the edge as he looked them over, his eye glaring down at them.
He hadn't used them for about a month now.
Zoro was snapped from his thoughts as he heard footsteps close behind him.
He quickly tucked the swords away as he turned around.
Zoro's eye flashed with something before going wide once more as he realized it was only the cook.
Zoro sighed and turned back around staring off into the bright distance, the sea stretching for what seemed like miles.
Sanji walked over standing beside the swordsman as he smoked a cigarette.
Sanji blew a puff of smoke as he tied his longer hair back and leaned against the rail, turned the opposite way with his back against it as he looked up at the clouds above.
Sanji:so where do you intend on going? We already agreed we had somewhere, Nami is headed home- I'm heading to the baratie, ussop will be home too.
Chopped the same- Frankie and Robbin plan to run off to travel a bit more, brook- well, brook will probably fallow them, or stay at labboon side, jinbei will return home I'm sure
Sanji didn't turn to the man beside him, zoro simply shrugged not saying a single word otherwise.
Zoro:I don't know. We are wanted criminals after all- despite the navy claiming peace with us.
It seems everyone has it all planned out
Sanji remained turned the opposite way, neither men making eye contact even once, sanji blew another puff of smoke watching it rise and vanish.
Zoro:I suppose I'll fallow him whenever he goes- he's important to me
Zoro shrugged.
Sanji only nodded, turning and leaving without another word to the swordsman.
Zoro watched the sea lap against the ship again, the rest of the crew glancing up at the swordsman standing alone at the top of the ship.
They all turned away chattering once again.
Nami's eyes lingered a bit longer but she knew not to approach the man, he was busy in thought, he had to figure out what he would do now.
Everyone did.
The ship sailed those dark seawaters, everyone chattering and cheering as cups clacked together in excitement to be home.
They all feasted on the large banquet that night before heading off to their rooms, after all, they were home in the right seas.
Zoro remained on lookout that night, he sat at the top of the sunny, he didn't have much to look out for- after all, he was strong, he had all the power needed to protect the crew, no enemies dared cross their path even then.
I suppose he did it out of bad habits maybe, all those nights spent on lookout while everyone else slept the night away including the idiot captain.
Zoro had a bottle of sake beside him, and two small cups.
He raised the glass pouring the glass full of sake.
He raised a glass as the other sat in front of him right where it was intended to stay just like all the other days.
Zoro:we did it, we accomplished all out dreams. Captain-
Zoro raised the glass up to the straw hat sitting in front of him on the stand.
The cup sitting in front of it.
That night was all a blur.
Luffy- he had gotten sick with something terrible, his devil fruit had finally taken its toll.
Zoro sat up late those nights, night after night after night he sat with his captain.
His devotion to the man strong even in those harsh days.
Luffy, despite the sickness, still relented- promised to fight for his crew even to the end.

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