Our love language ❤️. (Fluff)

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(Hey everyone, this one will include all the crew rather then JUST Luffy and zoro, I do hope you've been enjoying, I'll try and come up with a idea for a post hopefully soon, hope you all are having a amazing day/night!
Thank you for reading 🫶)
(I will mess up on names, please just work with me 🥲)

ussops love language would be receiving gifts, weather it be small or large, hand made, or new.
And words of affirmation.
The crew often notices that ussop with beam in happiness when given gifts or even small things, so they provide this by getting him small item that might even when him when he builds his slingshots and other tools.
Franky often being the one that gets him the most tools, and sharing his tools.
The crew often sees how Dow ussop can get, especially after a fight, due to the fight back in water 7, they worry he might drop back into that mind set that he isn't enough and can't do much for them.
To make up for this the crew often showers him in complements and comfort, telling him things like "dang ussop! You were really on point today" or even simple "great job ussop!"
This has show to improve his performance and even his self esteem.
Due to this he often expresses that appreciation by showing his acts of service if anyone is in need of help around the ship. Or even words of affirmation to maybe in hopes of cheering someone else up that might need it

Franky love language is quality time and acts of service.
Franky loves spending time with the crew, often finding them entertaining or even just filled with warmth.
He loves watching how everyone interacts, as if everyone is and has always been one big family,
This often reminds him of home, and in turn gives him a sense of warmth.
Another love language for him would be acts of service, as a ship-write he often gets himself tired out, or even just wants a break from time to time.
Although he loves his job, he finds it time consuming, so often- when other crew mates help him, even in the smallest ways, he can't help but find himself from smiling.
Franky although doesn't really like when people work, since most of them normally don't understand the job well enough, he still appreciates the attempt of help, and to show his appreciation for this, he provides acts of service for them or even words of affirmation to give thanks.

Due to brooks long history of often being alone and without someone, he tends to find himself looking for quality time amount his crew.
Whether it be simply getting to sit in someone's presence, or even helping people around the ship or having simple chats.
Brook adores quality time with those around him, finding it refreshing and even renewing, as it serves as a reminder that he is no longer alone in this world.
Due to this mindset, brook often shows his appreciation by providing words of affirmation, or even small gifts.

(Lmao joking, kinda 🫶)
Nami often finds herself missing home, being happy to be able to have the tangerine trees as a reminder of how far she's come, her love language could range, she adores gifts /unless it's from brook, I'm sure you can guess why/
And occasionally physical touch.
She adores when someone thinks of her, and gets her small things, even if it's not worth much.
One moment like this, is when sanji and the crew decided to take some of the tangerine trees as a reminder of home.
Simple gifts with such meaning behind it show just how much she is adored, even if it seems so small.
She also occasionally loves when she is showered in affection or even just given attention.
But she can easily get tired so the crew knows to not push their luck too much.
Nami shows her appreciation of this by spending quality time with her crew, sitting in their presence, or even just being around them.

Robin although not a material person adores when she's given gifts, or even having quality time with those around her, along with occasional words of affirmation.
Robin often adores when her crew randomly brings a book back they think she would enjoy, or even help her out during a fight, or when she's doing something around the ship.
She also adores the way they are freely affectionate with one another, so willing to show openness, as loves the way they show each other words of affirmation by giving many compliments.
Robin shows her love to her crew by her own words of affirmation, and quality time with them.
Spending time around her crew by simply having a beach day, sunbathing on the deck, chatting or even helping build something.

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