Chapter 7

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The day of their the freshers welcome party arrived soon. Tae was getting ready for the party when suddenly his rooms door got open harshly startling him. "Gosh,jiminie you scared me" said Tae clutching his chest.

"Why the fuck are you still not ready?" Jimin question back. "I'm almost done  just need to put on the accessories " Tae replied putting on an earring and some bracelet and ring. "You're looking dam gorgeous Tae. I bet all are gonna be awestruck by your charm" Jimin commented eyeing Tae head to toe.

 I bet all are gonna be awestruck by your charm" Jimin commented eyeing Tae head to toe

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                           (Tae's outfit)
"Thanks Chim. You're also looking like a hot meal" Tae praised Jimin . "I know I'm hot . Tell me something I don't know" Jimin sassed flipping his imaginary hairs. Tae chuckled at jimin's antics. "Let's go. Jin hyung and Ami are waiting for us . They already reached there" Jimin said dragging Tae outside.Soon they reached to the uni  and went to the hall where the party was arranged.

On the other side Jungkook just reached the hall looking hot and handsome.

On the other side Jungkook just reached the hall looking hot and handsome

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                (Jungkook's outfit)

Students were whispering among themselves looking at Kook but he paid no attention and directly went towards his friends Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoesoek.
"You're looking hot Kook. That suite suits you well" Hosoek said with his sunshine smile. Jungkook just nodded at him. "Namjoon who's the person you were talking about?" Yoongi asked. "He's a new transferred student of my class. I must admit he's gorgeous" Namjoon replied with a dimpled smile. "Who are you talking about?" Kook questioned in his usual cold tone. "About one of his student that caught his attention" Hosoek said.

They were talking when they heard a gasp and looked towards the way other's were looking. There stood Tae and Jimin . Seeing Tae Kook froze whereas another person also froze on his place looking at Jimin and that person was Yoongi.

When Tae and Jimin entered all the other's gasped looking at them because these two were looking hella beautiful. Kook and Yoongi came back to their senses when they heard a shout. "Jimin Tae we're here" Jin shouted gaining Tae and jimin's attention. They both went towards Jin and Ami ."You both are looking beautiful" Tae said looking at Jin and Ami.
"You two are also looking stunning. Look how all the other's are basically staring at you " Ami motioned looking around. "Let them stare. We shouldn't mind them just avoid them" Jin said and Tae and Jimin nodded.
Just then Bogum and his friends enter the hall. Bogum's eyes immediately catch Tae. "Who's that beauty Jack" Bogum ask one of his friend named Jackson.
"He's a freshener in 1st year who joined the uni this year" Jackson replied to which Bogum hummed. "He's very beautiful. Such a beauty should belong with me "Bogum mumbled approaching Tae and the other's. "Hey beautiful, What's your name?" Bogum asked looking at Tae. "Kim Taehyung" Tae shortly replied. "I'm Park Bogum" Bogum said extending his arm for a handshake. Tae looked at his arm then again at Bogum and hesitantly accepted.

Bogum hold Tae's hand tightly when Tae tried to take back his hand. So Jimin  took back Tae's hand with a jerk. Bogum was going to say something when Jack said something in his ear's. "I'm your senior in this university so we are going going to meet a lot. For now enjoy " Bogum said with a dirty smirk and left from there. Jungkook was seeing all this and he felt anger in him when he saw Bogum holding Tae's hand but he doesn't know why he was feeling angry.

" You should be careful of him Tae. By looking at way he was eyeing you I can say he doesn't have good motive" Jimin said to Tae in a serious tone. " Yahh stay away from him and avoid as much as you can" Jin advised. They were talking when Ami's eyes catch something. She saw Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoesoek standing together. Ami nudged Jin " Oppa look your crush". Jin looked where Ami was indicating and blushed seeing Namjoon.

Tae and Jimin also looked there but Tae immediately froze on his place with wide eyes. "Hyung" Tae whispered. His eyes got fill with tears. "Hyung" Tae shouted catching everyone's attention including Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoesoek. Namjoon looked towards Tae when he heard a too familiar voice. "Taebear" Namjoon called. Tae ram towards Namjoon and throw himself on him while Namjoon catch Tae tightly. Jungkook doesn't know why but seeing Tae in Namjoon's arm he felt slightly jealous. "Oh my god hyung. How are you?" Tae asked still clutching on Namjoon. "I'm fine bear. How are you? Where did you and aunt disappeared? Where's aunt? Are you okay?" Namjoon detached Tae and asked. Both of them had glossy eye's.

"Hyung we're fine. Mom is also good. We had to leave hyung. He had found us that's why. We had no other choice" Tae replied. "You know how much worried I was. Mom dad we all tried to look for you guys but we didn't found anything" Namjoon said. "I'm sorry hyung for worrying you all. We were helpless. You know na why we took this step" Tae said pouting. " I know bear. I'm glad that you're fine and free" Namjoon said hugging Tae. Others were just looking at them dumfounded. None of them were understanding a thing.
"How do you both know each other?" At last Jin asked the question which was in all of theirs mind. "Hyung he's my cousin brother" Tae said. "Brother" all of them said together. They were shocked hearing this. "Let's talk later. Right now we have to attend the party" Namjoon said to which everyone agreed.


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