The Whispers In Those Walls

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The old Crestwood Psychiatric Hospital loomed before the demolition crew, its crumbling facade a testament to years of neglect

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The old Crestwood Psychiatric Hospital loomed before the demolition crew, its crumbling facade a testament to years of neglect. As the workers gathered their equipment, an unsettling quiet hung over the site—the kind of silence that feels heavy with untold secrets.

Jake, the crew chief, surveyed the building with a furrowed brow. "Alright, let's get started. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

The team entered cautiously, the floorboards creaking under their boots. Dust motes danced in the weak sunlight filtering through boarded-up windows. It was hard to imagine this place had once been a beacon of healing, its halls filled with doctors and patients. Now it stood empty, a husk of its former self.

As they set to work, an eerie feeling crept over the crew. Tools would inexplicably move when their backs were turned. Chilling whispers seemed to echo down the corridors, just quiet enough to make them question their own hearing. And in the corners of their eyes, shadows appeared to flicker and dance, vanishing when they tried to look directly.

"You guys seeing this?" asked Maria, one of the younger workers, her voice trembling slightly.

Jake frowned, trying to rationalize the strange occurrences. "It's an old building. Probably just drafts and shadows playing tricks on us." But even he couldn't fully convince himself.

As the days wore on, the unsettling events escalated. Rooms would rearrange themselves overnight, objects appearing in different positions than they'd been left. Chilling laughter would ring out, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. And always, those incessant whispers, growing louder and more insistent.

Unable to shake the feeling that something was very wrong, the crew began to investigate the hospital's past. They pored over old records and newspaper clippings, piecing together a disturbing picture.

One name kept appearing again and again: Jonah Marley. A patient with abilities that defied explanation. Telekinesis, the power to move objects with his mind. But more than that, Jonah could somehow imprint his thoughts and emotions onto his surroundings, saturating the very walls with his psychic energy.

"Says here he was committed for brutally mutilating his family," Maria read aloud from a faded article, her face pale. "Claimed voices in his head made him do it."

A chill ran through the group. If Jonah's madness was truly embedded in the building itself, what nightmarish visions might they be experiencing?

Their unease only grew as they explored deeper into the hospital. Certain rooms seemed to pulse with malevolent energy, the air thick and cloying. In the old patient quarters, they found walls scrawled with frantic, nonsensical writing and disturbing drawings that seemed to writhe and shift when viewed from the corner of the eye.

And all the while, that sense of an unseen presence watching, waiting. Growing stronger.

Things came to a terrifying head late one night. Jake was working alone, finalizing plans for the next day's demolition. The others had long since gone home, the old hospital silent and still.

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