Whispers Of The Canyon

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Alex stood at the edge of the canyon, gazing out at the rust-colored rock formations stretching to the horizon under an impossibly blue sky

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Alex stood at the edge of the canyon, gazing out at the rust-colored rock formations stretching to the horizon under an impossibly blue sky. The air shimmered with heat, distorting the distant mesas into ethereal shapes. Sweat trickled down his back under the merciless sun.

He had come here to the remote wilderness of the American Southwest seeking solace and adventure after Jenna dumped him, shattering his heart. The city felt suffocating, filled with memories of their three years together and the shards of a future that would never be. So he packed up his SUV and headed west into the stark desert beauty of Arizona.

"Magnificent, isn't it?"

The voice startled him out of his reverie. He turned to see an attractive woman in her late 20s with long black hair and copper skin regarding him with intense dark eyes. She wore dusty hiking boots, worn jeans, and a loose white blouse. A colorful beaded necklace adorned her neck.

"Yes, it's incredible," Alex replied, suddenly self-conscious of his sweat-stained t-shirt and scruffy stubble after three days camping alone. "I didn't think anyone else was out here."

"These are my ancestral lands. I know them well." She walked to the cliff's edge and squatted, scooping up some reddish dirt and letting it sift through her fingers. "I'm Elara."

"Alex." He joined her, the dizzying hundred foot drop just inches away. Eagles soared on thermals below. "What tribe are you from?"

"Navajo. My people have lived here for centuries." Elara stood, brushing off her hands. Her eyes glinted in the harsh light. "Want to see something amazing?"

Intrigued by her mysterious beauty, Alex nodded. She set off along the rim and he followed, captivated by the sway of her hips and nimbus of black hair rippling in the hot breeze. They picked their way through gnarled junipers and spiny cacti, dodging bleached cattle bones. After twenty minutes, she veered onto an almost invisible side trail snaking down the cliff face. 

"Watch your step

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"Watch your step." Elara navigated the treacherous switchbacks with ease, but Alex moved cautiously, very aware of the lethal drop inches away. His hiking boots dislodged pebbles that clattered into the abyss.

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