Moonlit Terror

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The full moon cast an eerie glow over the quiet village of Eldermoor

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The full moon cast an eerie glow over the quiet village of Eldermoor. A thick fog rolled in from the moors, blanketing the darkened streets. All was still, except for the lone figure hurrying through the misty night.

Miriam pulled her shawl tighter as she made her way swiftly to the village healer's cottage at the edge of town. She hoped Old Jonas was still awake. The child she had just delivered needed his skills desperately if he was to survive the night.

As Miriam neared the healer’s cottage, she paused. A strange sound came from the shadowy trees up ahead. A crack of a branch. Heavy breathing. Miriam froze, her heart pounding.

"Hello?" she called out nervously.

Only silence answered. Miriam quickened her pace until she reached the cottage door. She knocked urgently. A moment later, Old Jonas opened the door, a candle flickering in his wrinkled hand.

"Miriam? What brings you here so late?" he asked.

"Please, you must come quickly. The blacksmith's son has been born early. He's very weak. I fear he will not last the night without your medicines."

Jonas nodded gravely. "Wait here. Let me gather my things."

As the old healer prepared his bag, Miriam wrung her hands anxiously. She could not shake the eerie feeling from earlier. A prickling sense she was being watched from the shadows.

Jonas returned, loaded down with bottles and poultices. "All right, let's go."

The two hurried down the moonlit path back towards the village. Miriam kept glancing over her shoulder, unable to silence her fears. She had heard the chilling rumors from the tavern, whispers of a curse and a foul beast plaguing their village. But evil could not roam so close to home...could it?

They had just reached the edge of the woods when a blood-curdling scream rent the air. Miriam jumped, her heart leaping to her throat.

"Good Lord!" Jonas exclaimed. "What was that?"

The horrifying scream came again, echoing through the trees. Then silence.

"It came from the village," Miriam gasped. "We must hurry!"

They rushed towards the dirt road that ran through Eldermoor. As they neared the first buildings, Miriam spotted a hulking shadow stagger across the moonlit path up ahead. She froze. Jonas grabbed her arm, pulling her into the shadow of a cottage.

Peering around the corner, Miriam strained her eyes against the darkness. The shape lumbered slowly under the full moon, an unnatural gait, limbs elongated in strange ways. It was like no beast Miriam had ever seen. Where its head should have been rose a mass of snarled, matted fur. Hands that seemed more claw than human grasped at the air, stained dark.

Miriam clutched Jonas’ arm, bile rising in her throat. “What is it?” she whispered.

“The rumors...they must be true,” Jonas whispered back, voice trembling. “We should have heeded the signs. The killings every full is the work of a werewolf.”

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