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Starring GlennRiley48as Glenn

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Starring GlennRiley48as Glenn

The arcade was nestled between a laundromat and a vacant storefront on the outskirts of town. Not exactly prime real estate, which was probably why Glenn had never noticed it before. He wasn't sure what compelled him to stop his car that night. Maybe it was boredom, or morbid curiosity about the place Parker had mentioned just before he disappeared.

Glenn pushed open the sticky doors and wrinkled his nose at the smell of stale air and burnt coffee. A handful of bulky CRT monitors cast the room in an eerie green glow. He slowly weaved between the empty rows of cabinets draped in sheets like ghosts, their screens dark and silent. All except one.

In the back corner, a machine hummed with life, its monitor flashing with colorful lights. Glenn approached it cautiously and wiped dust from the marquee.


So this was the machine Parker had become obsessed with before he went missing. The one he claimed had induced seizures and terrifying hallucinations. Glenn stared at the demo screen apprehensively. It looked innocent enough, just a simple maze-like puzzle game. Hardly the mind-melting terror Parker had described.

Glenn glanced around. The arcade was deserted except for the bored teenager working the prize counter, absorbed in a handheld game. Before he could change his mind, Glenn dug some quarters from his pocket and slid them into the slot.

The screen went black for a split second before the game started. Glenn maneuvered his pixelated character through the maze using the joystick, collecting dots and avoiding enemies. Pretty standard stuff, if a bit repetitive. He couldn't understand what Parker had found so enthralling...or so frightening.

Until the third level.

The walls of the maze began to pulse, and an eerie sense of vertigo washed over Glenn. He shook his head, assuming it was just eye strain from staring at the monitor in the dim light. But the feeling only grew stronger, accompanied by a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach.

Glenn forced himself to focus on the screen. To his alarm, the walls were distorting, throbbing and bending in ways that geometry said they shouldn't. The path of the maze seemed to shift before his eyes, routing him back to spots he had already covered. Maybe there was a glitch in the game code, he reasoned, gritting his teeth against the waves of nausea.

Without warning, the screen went black, and Glenn's stomach dropped like he was in free fall. When the graphics blink back on, he was no longer navigating a maze, but walking down a nondescript hallway, the carpeted floors and white walls stark and sterile.

Glenn's throat went dry. This was no glitch. He didn't know what was happening or how, but he sensed somehow that the hallway was real. More vivid than any virtual environment.

He wanted to stop walking, but it was like his legs had a mind of their own, carrying him helplessly forward. Up ahead, the hallway terminated in a closed door. As Glenn approached, adrenaline coursed through his veins. He did not want to see what lay beyond that door, but some unseen force propelled him toward it.

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