Chapter 2

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I think he's so fine in that animation, okay so I've been reworking everything again and my friend showed me there's no changes??? Like😒 I said I wouldn't redo these Chapters but I'm looking at them and they gotta get fixed🙁🙁 unfortunately 🙁

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I think he's so fine in that animation, okay so I've been reworking everything again and my friend showed me there's no changes??? Like😒 I said I wouldn't redo these Chapters but I'm looking at them and they gotta get fixed🙁🙁 unfortunately 🙁

After the movie everyone went to bed but Dick, he keeps waking up due to his nightmares. It eats at him, it's always a constant reminder of how he will die. How he could just meet his end at anytime now. How could he ever survive this encounter? He thinks of ways he can but can't seem to think of anything that would actually work.

So he decides to stay up and do strolls around Jump City. It's cold around this time so he has a regular outfit with a jacket on but has his mask on, there's not much people out and even some lights are turned off. "As much as I accept my death, I don't want to die." He sighs, before he can say anything else he spots this couple. From across the street.

The guy seems to have a lot of control over her, eyeing her weirdly, watching her every move, gripping her arm. With her being very timid, scared even. Her body language doesn't look like she's comfortable at all. The man grabs her arm and quickly rushes her inside a store.

Nightwing begins to follow them. Inside he makes sure to keep a distance, her expression never changes. While they were cashing out, Dick noticed her making morse code to the cashier. But they don't pick up on it. He quickly leaves the store passing by them and then he turns the corner out of clear sight from the guy leaving the store. He peaks over and waits.

As he's waiting he can't stop thinking about how Raven is, I mean he trusts her. He always has but there's something much more going on with her. How could she do that? He can't stop thinking about what she could possibly be doing, let alone how she is handling it. The sadly death of him hopefully isn't taking over her. His thoughts have always been drowned in Raven, this time it's grown of more concern for his teammate. After everything, Raven couldn't turn against her loved ones right?

Nightwing looks forward into the darkness of the street he's on. Lights barely light up the street, "They should make this safer." He thought as he looked at the emptiness of his surroundings. He hears footsteps leave the store and his thoughts quickly disappear. He takes off his mask. They make their way to his direction, he walks away from the corner he was at. Right towards them. He stands in front of them and his eyes land on her.

She has been staring at him this whole time that he came into her view. He hadn't noticed her until he looked into her green eyes. She doesn't break eye contact with him. "Hey are you okay?" Dick asks the lady as she nods, "she's fine." The guy sternly states with a rushed tone.

"I wasn't asking you. I'm asking her, are you okay?" Dick asks again with determination in his voice, she does quick eye movement while nodding. I can't tell if she needs my help or not, is she looking for someone to help her or just awkward. He thought. But now the guy is acting sweet with her and soft touched with her. Dick isn't sure what to feel, he doesn't like the way the guy is being. Let alone treating her, he sees the guy softly hold her hand. Like if he wasn't containing her before. He has a bad feeling about him. 

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