Vacation Introductory

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Hey so the vacation will be different and kinda like a special from the original story!!😊 I've thought this out for a while or for a bit, and it's definitely apart of the story. It just has its own storyline and some new characters. Like yk a comic book.

I think I'll only name just the first day or chapter of the Vacation as volume one🤗 So dont be alarmed and think this is a new storyline or kinda of a restart when it's not. I might update this Part because I probably forgot something's to maybe say/add in here. Also Yk I won't ever write SA or any of that stuff again because it does suck to write🙁
I wont be saying much because I want to surprise whoever reads this.
Anyways Raven x Nightwing🥺!!

Most things won't be accurate to Tokyo, more than a half things will be made up.

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