Chapter 13

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This is such a good cover of this chapter as well

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This is such a good cover of this chapter as well. I actually edited this👅
I changed last chapter's picture because I wanted to set the mood. If anyone wants to look at the change🤗

3 Days Later......

Dick has been looking everywhere for Rachel around the city. Around Gotham, even in places he hasn't been in. With the help of Batman, nothing. He couldn't find her anywhere. He didn't want to worsen the teams mental state with Ravens disappearance. He was trying his hardest to be uplifting with everyone. But deep down, he was hurting the most.

When she left him, he felt so alone and so heartbroken. She made him so vulnerable to her, he felt like she was always going to be there when he felt that way. He realized that Raven believes this is the way but it isn't, it'll never be the way. Running away wasn't the answer to the problems of her darkness. She has family. She has him, herself to help her through this time. He looked around her room but couldn't find anything. He felt like he was losing himself, he can't just keep looking for her without protecting the city.

Nightwing was looking for her in the Gps room but nothing, he bawls his fist and slams it on the table. He eyes water and he closes them causing his tears to come out. "Dick..?" He looks to see Terra frowning looking at him. He faked his smile, "What's up?" He stands up tall crossing his arms, Terra walks closer to the Gps table and leans her arms on it.

"Ugh I know she's out there somewhere, I don't like Raven as much as you do but she's not stupid. So she has a plan I'm sure." Terra awkwardly looks away from Dick but silence is all he says. "Have you ever thought of looking at her favorite places? Her home place?" Her voice sounding slightly awkward trying to help. Dick puts his hand on his forehead.

"I haven't thought of that Terra, I've been so out of it." He thanks Terra and  quickly runs to Raven's room. When he's in there he looks around everywhere looking for anything that could be a clue, without even closing the door. He feels like he's flipping her entire room, he can feel himself become frantic. He realizes how he's being and he calms down, sits down on the floor and focuses on his breathing. After sometime, he hears enchanting noises and quickly opens his eyes to see what the noise could be. It's Raven's book floating in front of him.

" Azarath..." Dick's eyes widen as he remembers what she told him about Azarath. But there's no way he can get there. The book slightly laughs, "One way you can, but it comes with a price." Dick sighs "of course it does...." He mumbles to himself, "What is it?" The book opens and flips to a page where there are bodies falling into a hole of darkness. He can slight hear screaming from the page, he examines it more and sees people are falling into a mouth. Like they are being eaten.

"A drop of blood and you'll be there." Nothing comes good from this book, it looks like hell. Oh well, anything to find Raven. He thought as he looked at the book. He looks for a knife or something sharp around Raven's room without moving his body but can't find anything. "No need. Put your hand on the page."

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